Save button not working

although listed as a course creator, I can’t change the settings for a column (remove typing tests): the save button shows no reaction.
We tried from several browsers, creator and contributor accounts, emptied the cache, waited 24h, etc.
Someone familiar with this issue - and maybe a solution?

(by the way, I can not add some people as contributors to the course, and when using the same creator account on 2 different computers, the course does show up on the dashboard on one computer and not on the other… strange things happen on Memrise sometimes…)

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@John_Baite, @BeaTrisy
Please help us, we still face this problem and can’t solve it :frowning:
I was supposed to show the app and the programme to school staff today, but I really don’t want to demonstrate only bugs. (I also have the same bug as another user, with only one correct picture answer showing up - I’ll complete the thread there as well : There is always one option in the pick the correct one picture

The link to the course is:

Here are some screen shots from the impossibility to add a contributor:


and the button not saving:


(click on picture to view the whole screen and the frozen “save” button)

@MemriseMatty may I ask for your help. The problem persists (I tried duplicating the level, changed column testing order, renamed database…)

Hi @siglinde, re

Hi, although listed as a course creator,

You seem to be a Contribution not the Creator.

Contributors can’t make those changes sadly.

If you have two accounts and are the creator @gestival, then log in as that and make those changes.

With our trainee, we use both accounts (mine, and Gestival, which is the course creator, and from which we tried all the editing thing).

Try clearing your cashe or getting @Gestival to log in on a different computer or use a different browser.

We already tried that :frowning:

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Tis a mystery!

I just also tried adding you as a contributor to the course, but same problem as mentioned above: the adding is not saved :frowning:

Thanks - that is very weird.

I see the writing is in French.

Are you in France? Is your language set to French but your course is UK?
ie was the course created in the same language you are trying now?

Could there be a bug in that recognition?

By the way (BTW) I like your animated graphics!

No, I don’t think we mixed the languages (the trainee’s account is all in French). When I go on course details, I see as course category: “French Sign Language” for (speakers of) “French”.
Why do you feel like the course was “UK”?

p.s.: the screen captures are also gifs - a format I use a lot for sign language, since the result is not so heavy as a video file :slight_smile:

another bug: when trying to add contributors (which doesn’t work anyway), as I click saving, Memrise seems to a second contributor with exactly the same name. Clicking on saving again removes all the new contributors…

Oooh, maybe a part of the solution is here:
I just noticed that “Gestival” was listes as a contributor, although usually the course creator does NOT appear in the list of CONTRIBUTORS. So I removed myself (Gestival account) from the contributors’ list…and all of a sudden, I was able to add @DW7 as contributor.
So first bug seems to be solved. Unfortunately, the “save” button on the testing types is still not working… Will try again tomorrow, after a new cache cleaning.

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It is definitely odd. Contributors should also be able to add contributors.

Why do you feel like the course was “UK”?

I was trying to think of any discrepancy and your English was so good I didn’t realise you were French.

p.s.: the screen captures are also gifs

Never found or tried that!

:blush: merci !

To record myself, I like, because you can remove useless frames. And for screen recordings, I use LICEcap on Mac. Give it a try :slight_smile:

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PS I don’t need to be a contributor as I would not be able to amend a column in the data as only the Creator can do that. Hope the MemRise team pick up this issue (bug).

Well, I guess no help to expect from here. @MemriseMatty, @BeaTrisy, @MemriseSupport are too busy, probably.