Ridiculous multiple choice, can I choose not to link different levels?


I have created a course on the periodic table.

3 columns in my database : Element | Symbol | #

Level 1 : Guess the # based on the Element
Level 2 : Guess the Symbol based on the Element

The problem is that the automatic multiple choice offers me, for example :

of Helium :

A) 2
B) Hf
C) Ne
D) Ce

Is it possible somehow to make sure that future answers from the level 2 do not interfere with my level 1?


You can make different databases, one for each kind of question.

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That’s interesting. I thought using different columns should work - never noticed a problem when I’ve done that, but clearly it hasn’t worked for you.

Thanks for the tip @irridmemorizza and @Arete_Hime.

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I think what I have tried is put the new pair on a different line ie four or six columns.

Columns 1 & 2
aaa 111
bbb 222
ccc 333

    • Columns 3 & 4
      aaa XY
      bbb PQ
      ccc RS
        • Columns 5 & 6
          111 XY
          222 PQ
          333 RS

Had to show it that way as gaps were deleted!

how do you make different databases? I want to do this so that I can have level one of my class be korean antonyms; and level two korean synonyms. Obviously, it will get very confusing if the answers are getting pulled from the different levels.

Edit your course, then:



is there a way to bulk add all the words to the level of the course? I have put all the antonyms in their own database, is there a way to just pull all the words form that database for the level?

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I’m not sure whether this would be possible on a level-basis, but I doubt it. I also haven’t ever worked with more than one database, so I can’t be sure, but I do believe that the Bulk Add button that appears on the top right in DB-view should really import into the selected/active DB.

I’d probably create a test course to be sure, but I don’t have the time right now and I’m sure you can do that, too! :slight_smile:

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