Review broken again?

Yeah, David said the changes were quite substantial.

@daniel.zohar, anyway we could get an update notebook? What exactly was changed?

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We’re working on improving our algorithm, something that required substantial changes to the structure of learning sessions over the last few months. We try to minimize the impact and disruption as much as we can.
I’m not sure what your “scripts” are doing but it’d be hard to expect for us to update the community every time we change some HTML / JS.

Could you give more background into what you’re trying to achieve with those scripts?

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I have a script that makes it so I have to type everything. I’m not a fan of multiple-choice reviewing.

Basically, the issue I’m having is some of my courses have sentences read in Japanese, and I’d use the script to type the sentences, rather than matching them with multiple choice. Additionally, I can’t even check to see if I’m translating in my head correctly from Japanese-English because if I select" see answer" after getting sentences correct, memrise marks me wrong now. (This has been mentioned numerous times in the thread.)

I don’t think you need to update us on every single change, if they are little ones. But as been expressed in the thread, people have had issues with the update since 25 days ago, and the staff hasn’t been that vocal about our comments. I’m glad you’re here today addressing the issues, but I fail to see why no one responded to us 15 days ago… 5 days ago?


Aside from some of the problems I’ve already seen mentioned after scrolling briefly, the font is also a lot smaller than it should be in some courses. Kanji, for example, are showing up a lot smaller than they did before.

I’m late to this, but I have some more things to add that I’ve noticed so far:

1: When planting a level of fifteen items all at once, as I have been every day for the past couple months, I found that it’s introducing the items much more quickly than before. Previously, it would introduce them very gradually; introduce the first two, testing me a couple times on those, introduce the third, test me on that, along with the first two, before moving onto the fourth, etc. Now it’s almost pouring them all out at once. There are still tests between (most of) them, but nowhere near as many as before, and I was actually seeing some introduced back to back late in the session. This makes it very difficult to keep up with the learning session for me, as I’m being given more items to juggle before I’ve properly grasped the previous ones.

2: Audio questions are getting thrown into the session, despite “Audio mode” being disabled for the course.

3: Audio doesn’t seem to play in the database editor when hovering over the speaker icon. It still seems to function when using the course though.

4: The item preview page has a couple of visual issues. See screenshot:

The ‘kana’ text is supposed to be much larger, and I don’t think the speaker icons were overlapping with that line before. I don’t really care about the latter (just pointing it out), but the former makes it pretty hard to read what I’m learning.

5: The color-coded question marks shown for tests all seem to be the same purple color. I have been relying on these quite a bit to easily distinguish between the different testing directions in my courses, and have been making sure that they all match up for each of the courses that I create, so this is pretty disorienting.

6: This was happening prior to today, but I think it’s a recent issue. When using ‘preview’ in a level, the items seem to show in a random order, rather than from start to finish.

Maybe some of these are deliberate changes, but I have no way of knowing. I’ll post more if I find more. Progress seems to be registering on my end, at least. Reviewed items are staying reviewed, and learned items are showing as learned. We appreciate the updates!

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To add on to your last point, this is an addendum to what I was getting at, @daniel.zohar. “Maybe some of these are deliberate changes, but I have no way of knowing.” If you guys don’t post a logbook of changes, how are we to know if these are purposeful changes or errors? Why are we, the users, the ones having to bring them up?

Also, I still have the issue wherein if I type hiragana or katakana when the answer wants “common Japanese” (that is, kanji), I’m marked wrong now, wherein before it’d prompt you to retype in common Japanese. This is a VERY bad change (if it is, indeed, one and not a bug).

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In response to you saying that the algorithm is being worked on, could you discuss this a bit more? I, as well as some others purposely only use the web version because the algorithm seemed different in the app. I tested this over some months and it ended up as the words I learned during that testing phase being much less solid in my mind. Is work being done to make the website algorithm more like the app? That’s kind of important to me and I’d really appreciate any feedback you have on that.

Also, just wanted to echo @TinyCaterpillar that despite audio tests being switched off (on the web page), they are still being inserted into learning sessions and reviews. Even after clicking the “do not show audio tests for 30 minutes” button, the very next question was an audio question. I’m currently having to answer two to three questions, end the session when an audio question appears, and then resume again.


Like @TheFour-GatedDanzig I am still getting answers marked as incorrect after answering correctly if I review them afterwards.

My review seems to be broken as well. Even if I type the answers correctly they come up as incorrect…

Hi @swedeenz. It looks like you’re running a script that changes tapping tests into typing tests, and that’s what’s causing you these issues.
Try removing it and let me know if the problem is still there

could we please have back our settting for the target language fonts? all my Chinese courses have a much smaller font now for Chinese, although the “show bigger” is still activated in all of them. It is very annoying.

edit: thanks for solving it

A new round of fixes just went out.
This should cover the problems that we’re reported around:

  1. UI not being displayed properly
  2. Audio tests showing up in courses where audio is turned off
  3. Audio/Image previews not being shown in the course editor
  4. Removed some Javascript errors
  5. Alternative answers being marked as incorrect

Thank you for all of your help!

Hi @daniel.zohar, Actually, it’s only a partial fix. What I’m getting today is, where there are multiple images associated with an item, I am unable to scroll through the images using the left/right arrows. The arrows are displaying but are positioned wrongly and when I click on them nothing happens.

EDIT: This behaviour seems to only apply when ‘reviewing’. It acts normally in ‘preview’ mode.

Thanks, @BeaTrisy!

It’s bed time on my end, so I’ll need to test it more later, but a few quick notes so far:

Audio does indeed seem to be playing again in the database editor, and the item preview page seems to be back to normal as well.

Issues #5&6 in my last post (all question mark icons in session being the same color and preview showing items in a random order) are still present though, as well as answers from other columns resulting in an incorrect answer, instead of asking me to ‘try again’. This compounds with the question mark icon issue to make review sessions very frustrating. Pressing escape after correctly answering a question is still counting the item as incorrect as well.

Thanks for keeping in touch!

Thanks @BeaTrisy! I can confirm that 3 is now working again, but please see my post above addressed to Daniel.

Hey @alanh, that’s a tricky one. Could you link me to a course/item so I can try it out.

I would appreciate it very much! Thank you for your work.

Hey guys, I’m trying to learn Japanese in this course: JLPT N3 Vocab (with audio) - by TL-RobWalsh - Memrise. But recently something is different with the ‘reviewing’ function.
As you can see in this picture, the website tells me to type the ‘Kana’ type of the word but I actually write it in its Kanji form (still corrrect). If this was a few days ago, the website would just tell me ‘You wrote the Kanji but we want the Kana form’ (or something like that, I don’t remember clearly) and then it allowed me to retype again. But now it just gives me wrong answer.
I know this is my fault but can you please change it to the way it was before? :frowning:

Hi @BeaTrisy, thanks for getting back to me. Here’s an example of what I’m seeing today:

You’ll see that the arrows are offset and don’t operate. It only seems to be like this in ‘review’ mode and was behaving normally yesterday. ‘Preview’ mode still works as it should do. This example is from:

I can see the problem now. Thank you for the extra info. We’re looking into it and I’ll try and post an update when it’s fixed.

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