All I can really do to help is make lists, so here’s an updated one. It’s mostly copy/pasted from my earlier posts, but I have confirmed that all of these issues are still present: (I’ll be crossing out entries as they appear to be fixed.)
1: Pressing escape or clicking ‘See answer’ after correctly answering a question in review treats the item as if it was answered incorrectly for the remainder of the review session. This was not the case before, and it makes it extremely inconvenient to access the extra information in that page.
2: The color-coded question mark icons shown for tests all seem to be the same purple color. I have been relying on these quite a bit to easily distinguish between the different testing directions in my courses, and have been making sure that they all match up for each of the courses that I create, so this is pretty disorienting.
3: When answering with the text in a column other than the intended answer, you are counted as wrong, rather than being prompted to ‘try again’. This compounds with issue #2 to make review sessions very frustrating for me, as I use three different testing directions in my courses.
4: Items are being introduced in learning sessions much more quickly than before. Previously, it would introduce them very gradually; introduce the first two, testing me a couple times on those, introduce the third, test me on that, along with the first two, before moving onto the fourth, etc. Now it’s almost pouring them all out at once. There are still tests between (most of) them, but nowhere near as many as before, and I’m even seeing many introduced back to back throughout the session. This makes it very difficult to keep up with the learning session for me, as I’m being given more items to juggle before I’ve properly grasped the previous ones, and I can safely say that it’s been having a negative impact on my recall for the items later on.
5: Points from speed and accuracy bonuses aren’t being applied to daily goals.
6: When using ‘preview’ in a level, the items seem to show in a random order, rather than from start to finish.
I removed the point on the change in how incorrect answers are addressed in review sessions, since @daniel.zohar stated that it’s an intended change. I’m honestly really unhappy with that change, but I guess that’s a discussion for another day. If anything else in this list is an intended change, it would help to know. Prior to @daniel.zohar’s recent post, there were many users pointing out the change to reviewing incorrect answers, thinking it was a glitch, but we were basically left in the dark on it being intentional.
I’ve probably missed some issues, so if anyone has anything that I should add, I can edit this post or make another if it gets buried.