I am a contributor to several courses and wish to make it a requirement that people use accents in their answer. The answers show the accents, but you can type in your answer without an accent and it’s accepted. Merci beaucoup!
You can enable strict typing.
Go to the database page, select the edit icon on the column (header) that will be tested on and select the testing tab. place a tick in the " Mark Typing Strictly" box and save.
You should probably also select the predefined keyboard option to display a list accents during testing.
Thanks for your quick reply @LarBoylan, however I can’t seem to get to first base. I went to the database page but could not find the edit icon which of course meant I couldn’t do the following steps which you’ve outlined above. I went out of it and then back into it and still no luck. What am I missing? Merci beaucoup.
if you hover the cursor over the column title/name a small blue symbol should appear, selecting this (or indeed any part of the column name) should bring up the “edit column” dialogue.
It is just a thought , but I wonder if course contributors actually have access to the ‘edit column’ section.?
(I am a course creator but I do not contribute to other courses so it may be different for contributors.)
If not you will have to get the original course creator to do it or request it from a Memrise staff member.
…on the other hand, if you make it strict, it will require not just accents but all the commas and periods and uppercases. I would find it cumbersome if I took such a course
Sorry @Maxine_Downunder but, as a contributor, you’re not allowed to make that kind of change. See here:
@lenagardariki, I agree that would be annoying, but this is a French verbs course so there are no comments and periods. Looks like I can’t edit in this way in any case. Thanks for your input.
Thanks for letting me know @alanh. I searched and searched per advice from @LarBoylan (thanks LarBoylan). No wonder I couldn’t find it! The course appears to have been abandoned and it’s been given to me and @timangleterre. I would like to have the accents in there (and this was raised by a learner). I’ll contact Memrise to see if it’s possible to be given these editing rights. Thank you again.
I am a contributor to two courses and just checked it there. In both courses I do have access to the Testing tab with the option for strict typing that @LarBoylan showed. I don’t have the Delete tab.
Hello @duaal, that’s interesting that you have that access. I do not. When I click on "databases’ a small popup appears “French” and under that “Add New”. Neither of which help me. Thank you.
Thanks @alanh. @Lien can you assist please. I would like to be able to make the accents obligatory. It appears that @duaal has this ability as a contributor. If I could also, I’d be most appreciative. Thanks.
Hi @Maxine_Downunder,
I’ve done a bit of checking around with a couple of courses I am a contributor to and have found the same as duaal, so maybe the Knowledge Base explanation I linked to earlier is out of date.
From that pop up you get, have you tried clicking on “French”? It should take you to a page that looks something like this:
If you then hover over the title of the left hand column, the blue ‘pencil’ (edit) icon should become visible. Click on that to get to the “Edit Column” → “Testing” box where the “Mark Typing Strictly” and in-browser keyboard options are.
Good luck!
Thanks @alanh - you are a champion! I got into the Testing as you described, checked “Mark Typing Strictly” and added the in-browser keyboard option. One final little stumbling block is that I don’t appear to be able to save it. At the bottom there is a blue “save” button, but it’s not a very bright blue (like the “Reply” button below). Despite it being somewhat pale, I clicked it, but nothing happened and that screen just remained there. “So close and yet so far”.
you cannot do that as a contributor… but you that…
however, before making such big changes in a course with many users, I’d ask in the forum of course if people do want it (the change to strict typing)
btw, Happy New Year!
Hmm, sorry to raise false hope! That seems to confirm that the list of ‘cans’ and ‘can’ts’ in the Knowledge Base remains correct after all.
It’s back to Plan B, then. Going to have to wait for Lien to respond to your request above.
As @Hydroptere seems so against learning a language properly, could you also look into whether it is possible to have the correctly accented spelling displayed if people are disinclined to type accents. At the moment, it is a bit like pot luck unless one consults a dictionary like Larousse.
Cheers Maxine
I don’t know much about this particular course, but if it doesn’t require a lot of effort, why not just add new levels that DO require accents and name them as such. Then you would have levels that don’t require and levels that do. Something for everyone. If you went this route, I would create the levels based on a new database so the accented responses don’t mix in with ones that don’t have accents.
Course contributors should be able to add new levels, but I am not sure if they can create new databases. Memrise might need to do that.
The reason I’m wanting to make this change is because a specific learner requested it. Rather than upset too many learners though, I could have the existing as an alternative answer. Thanks for your input and I trust you have a happy new year also!