French courses by @eunoia

Has anyone taken over the French courses created by @eunoia ? So much time was spent creating these courses which have excellent audio. The only problem is the courses (of which there are many) allow the entry of unaccented answers. As learning the correct accented spelling is as important as learning, for example, the gender that accompanies a noun, it would be great if these courses could be made “stricter”.

If anyone knows who I should direct this request to, please let me know.

I have just read a post that makes this change quite easy : Requirement to use accents


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did you also consider that maybe not all users/most users of these courses would want such a change?


The accents used in French are vital for learning the correct spelling and pronunciation of a word. It would be preferable if there was a setting in Memrise that allowed for this preference for each individual user.

Why would users not want such a change? Are they not here to learn the learning?

If people are so inclined, is it possible to have a message that pops saying “almost correct” along with the correct spelling (yet still “green lights” the answer). That would satisfy everyone. BTW this is how accents are dealt with in Duolingo and it allows for gradual integration.

If a user starts off “lazy” (for want of a better word) and never types the accents, and their answer are accepted, they will never change their habit or learn how the word should be spelt. It is far easier to learn from the start.


i am one of the former users who would not like/did not want such change: i would not like having even more items to water/review, just because i forgot to type the accent (I am an old user so I have weekly more than 3000 items in current courses, and some other 8000 in courses i’ve finished, waiting for some water). Many users just want to easily read French, not everybody has an exam or similar in perspective…

and also because I am a contributor to those courses, and I know from the old fora that people did not want such strict typing (I’ve spend weeks and months correcting mistakes in those courses…)

@ripcurlgirl It’s worth bearing in mind that although eunoia’s courses are very vast, the translations were done by machine, and as such, many of them are either completely incorrect depending on the context, or subtly incorrect or misleading, and the audio, although clear, was also machine generated, and not very natural sounding.

It has also been my experience that since eunoia left memrise, the course maintainers have not been responsive to requests to correct errors, and as a result her courses have much lower quality than they could have.

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That is a shame as it far better than a lot of computer-generated audio that I have heard. Should I doubt the context or pronunciation, I will consult Larousse and Forvo.

Merci de ta réponse.

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It would be nice if we could set the strictness ourselves, only affecting our personal input. I do not have exams to pass, but I do want to learn the language properly. I usually do a sizable quantity each day myself and, of the courses I undertake, one is very strict which I personally like. What is wrong with allowing the best of two worlds - the acceptance of a word as correct without accents accompanied by the word correctly accented? Surely this would be a learning aid that should be looked into. As I said, Duolingo, a competitor of Memrise which I also utilise, allows this

In some of the courses I am undertaking I have to consult Larousse to check my spelling is correct - you don’t think that takes time?

it is nothing wrong or right with your personal preferences - this was not the topic of discussion. The topic was making a change that affects all users of a course, without previously consulting them. The memrise team itself does this on a regular basis - see the last blunder with the commas - but not everyone is inclined to take such authoritarian measures.

I am not working for Memrise, therefore what the competitors do does not interest me (I don’t use duolingo anyhow).

Also, there are probably some good courses on Memrise with strict typing enforced (but not the official ones, if I am not mistaking)

This being said, I wish you a Happy New Year.

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You have misunderstood my suggestion regarding personal preferences - they should be able to be set to affect that particular user account user ONLY. I don’t care for the “gaming” side of sites such as Memorise with its “leader-boards”. I couldn’t give 2 hoots if a person who is not using accents is ahead of me on the board - I am simply here to learn.

And having said that, bonne année à toi aussi.