I find that astounding (and not in a good way), that a creator and/or contributor could be doing the course yet not fixing errors when identified. It’s one thing when a course is abandoned - but quite another thing here. Completely unacceptable IMO!
As you know @Maxine_Downunder, I pride looking after my courses and those I support, and an acknowledgement of the post is important.
I wonder if they have email notifications turned off?
You could consider contacting the MemRise team to ask the creator to look at the posts or if s/he would be happy for you to become a creator.
Otherwise all I can suggest is to ignore those entries you don’t like or even quit the course.
Who knows DW7? BTW my main (recent) bugbear has been attended to by EasyAcademy - for which I’m grateful. I believe I separately posted that on another thread - but just letting folks know here that I had success. Thanks everyone for lots of good feedback.
Please can I make you all aware of this post I’ve started following @OliviaZavala announcement:
I thought that now we know what is proposed we might like to discuss it in a new thread.
First post, not sure if correct venue!
I was doing a review and was asked to translate “to live” in Italian. I answered abitare, but was marked wrong in favor of vivere. I think both shold be accepted.
Probably not the right place to post this @whitedoyle . If the error you mentioned is on the official Memrise Italian course, then you can discuss it here:
If it is not one of the official courses (a user course), then search of that course has a thread on the forums. If not, create a thread yourself with a link to the course you’re referring to.
And happy learning!
all of the easy academy courses that I tried had more errors than correct entries