Reporting errors in a language course

I have also dropped the Easy Academy courses for the same reasons. But besides too many errors, it’s inconsistencies. Like “le chat” and “cat” when it should be “le chat” and “the cat”, if you see what I mean.

I know exactly what you mean @lmashton. My current bug-bear is with the “No Typing - French Beg/Inter” course, eg Level 22, “L’argent = the money” vs Level 35 “l’argent = money”.

@Parrac, I must be lacking in brain power today - LOL! Where you wrote “… tap on the link …”, I firstly didn’t ‘get’ what link you meant. This of course then meant I couldn’t find the “little envelope icon” which would no doubt lead me to the email interface! Merci beaucoup!

Here - I’ve now learnt that if I type Easy Academy’s name with the ‘@’ symbol in front it will create a clickable link: @EasyAcademy

(This is a really handy way to do it :relaxed: Before, two posts back, I made the link by pasting the copied URL that I saved from Easy Academy’s user page so It showed up in blue)

Try this new way. You should find the envelope icon there.

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Thanks so much @Parrac. They say one learns a new thing every day. Muchly appreciated!!!

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Yep! Thanks for getting me to practise my new trick :smiley:

Thanks again @Parrac. I’ve sent off my request for a “fix” via your advice. Feeling good now!

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I can’t help with that course, but I’m a maintainer on these French courses:

If you report problems there, I will usually notice and fix them, though I’ve fallen behind recently.

Also, on these French courses that I am taking, I’ve found that the maintainers are present and responsive to problem reports on the course forum:


Thanks @cos. FYI I am doing Learn Basic French & Intermediate French. At some point when I have more time I’ll tackle the other courses you refer to. BTW I got a response back from EasyAcademy and my issue (probably others also) is now fixed!
Appreciate your response!

Another way in is to click on your avatar in the top right hand corner and then on the envelope icon which then appears in the drop down box. That will take you to your messages area.

Hope that helps.

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And if you can click on someone’s avatar in a thread, and use the message box there, it will link/refer it to the subject where you click on the avatar.

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I love it when course creators and contributors don’t respond your queries, although they take themselves the course, i.e. they are absolutely active.

Such reaction of dismissal is a great opportunity for will enhacing procedures and zen meditation techniques… especially if the item has a long row of synonyms (such as 准, 准星, 准绳, 准谱儿, 原则, 参考系, 口径, 基准, 定准, 尺度, 尺度, 尺码, 条件, 极, 标准, 格, 格木, 法, 绳墨, 规则, 规格, 规范, 谱, for… guess…) or the audio file is not for the item to be learned but for the next one…

I find that astounding (and not in a good way), that a creator and/or contributor could be doing the course yet not fixing errors when identified. It’s one thing when a course is abandoned - but quite another thing here. Completely unacceptable IMO!


As you know @Maxine_Downunder, I pride looking after my courses and those I support, and an acknowledgement of the post is important.

I wonder if they have email notifications turned off?

You could consider contacting the MemRise team to ask the creator to look at the posts or if s/he would be happy for you to become a creator.

Otherwise all I can suggest is to ignore those entries you don’t like or even quit the course.

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Who knows DW7? BTW my main (recent) bugbear has been attended to by EasyAcademy - for which I’m grateful. I believe I separately posted that on another thread - but just letting folks know here that I had success. Thanks everyone for lots of good feedback.

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Please can I make you all aware of this post I’ve started following @OliviaZavala announcement:

I thought that now we know what is proposed we might like to discuss it in a new thread.


there is a forum for that: [Course Forum] Italian 1-7 by Memrise

First post, not sure if correct venue!

I was doing a review and was asked to translate “to live” in Italian. I answered abitare, but was marked wrong in favor of vivere. I think both shold be accepted.

Probably not the right place to post this @whitedoyle . If the error you mentioned is on the official Memrise Italian course, then you can discuss it here:

If it is not one of the official courses (a user course), then search of that course has a thread on the forums. If not, create a thread yourself with a link to the course you’re referring to.
And happy learning!

all of the easy academy courses that I tried had more errors than correct entries