[report] Chaos in Esperanto language courses PL -> EO

Currently only two courses have more than 100 registered users.

A total of 19 courses are designed to teach Polish speakers selected words, sentences and expressions in Esperanto. 8 authors, 1 contributor and 1 complaint about language mistakes> Esperanto

List of courses:

  1. https://www.memrise.com/course/789081/personaj-pronomoj-eo-pl/ contains 7 words, 5 users, no one has used it for a month.
  2. Mazi en Gondolando 001 - Memrise contains 13 words, 3 users, no one has used it for a month.
  3. and 4. La Kunularo de L'Ringo - J.R.R. Tolkien - by Kondziuś - Memrise contains 22 words, 2 users.
  4. La Hobito aŭ tien kaj reen - vortoj por… - by tomaszym - Memrise contains 17 words, 3 users, no one has used it for a month.
  5. a large course La teorio Nakamura (kurs Lernu.net) - by yubizume - Memrise but only 6 users - it is worth to merge it with other users, e.g. merge it with course no. 10.
  6. Leaderboard - La hobito - by Dotevo - Memrise contains 208 words, 11 users, vocabulary from the book. It was worth to promote it
  7. Esperantaj vortoj por progresantoj - by tobiaszq - Memrise words 445, more advanced course, used this month
  8. the founder deleted the account Esperanto - by deactivated user - Memrise has 942 words, used this month.
  9. https://www.memrise.com/course/1157007/kurs-esperanto/ contains 2600 words, I am a contributor, more than 100 users
  10. https://www.memrise.com/course/342282/esperanto-metoda-bezposrednia/ contains 887 words, has 473 users

and courses 12-19.

which are different subject areas and could be integrated into a single course. Interest in these courses is currently 1 user per course.

Conclusions: it is worth taking care of courses no. 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12-19. This would result in a maximum of 7 courses of higher quality than the current 19 :wink: and in case of interest you can gather the authors and contributors of these courses and create one official course :slight_smile:

( Translated with DeepL Translate: The world's most accurate translator because English isn’t my native language)

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I would like to ask you to add topics from the course https://www.memrise.com/course/923570/esperanto-45/ to the course: https://www.memrise.com/course/1157007/kurs-esperanto/ which is currently contributed by me

Thank you! It helps to reduce chaos.

Hi - It looks like these courses were managed by two separate users. Unfortunately we cannot add topics from one course to another (merge courses).

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There is also this, https://www.memrise.com/course/1101960/esperanto-nistiah/
And shame on be but im sure it has few words with bad typing etc.

Just i have a phase when i intended to learn this language, but life changed deprived me from time, and that idea was abbandon. Finally i do not have nor will, nor time, nor strenght to work more on it.

In case you are wondering, you can have the same name (nick-name) eg “Neo268” on both MemRise and Decks courses and of course in the Forum.