Public Memes Hidden By Default (Bad For New Users)

Memrise, I am a huuuuge fan, and spend lots of time here as a learner and as a course creator. I am also a developer and understand it’s not easy to get things right, but here are my thoughts on why auto hiding public memes is such a bad move for you:

  1. As a course creator, who is building courses for targeted niche audiences (new users) I spend a lot of time building memes that will connect with this targeted audience so they will want to use the course and share it. If these new users come to the course and find no picture memes when words are introduced they are likely to think my course is crap, and the platform is crap, and never come back.

  2. Most learners don’t have time to spend building memes and are happy to use others which have been up voted (and not flagged) by the public. When I first started out I almost never created my own memes. Maybe I wouldn’t have ever become a fan with other peoples highly effective memes. --why did you remove the up vote down vote system again???

  3. This change removes the incentive for me, a course creator and free loyal promoter of to keep building here and promoting this app… it makes me want to look for a better tool…

  4. Simple fix: If a meme is offensive and gets flagged by more than 2 accounts, then have the meme hidden from the general public. Or allow longtime trusted memrise users to hide offensive memes on their own courses…and if a course is getting memes flagged too much due to students making offensive memes, then disable memes on that course,or disable them for everyone except the course creator or other longtime trusted users… but just removing the automatic memes before this is really hurting the platform. you have options other than hiring more people to monitor offensive memes.

  5. memrise,. as a course creator trying to create a cool new course for a niche audience I feel like I just got punched in the gut, and my motivation for creating courses on this platform is at an all time low.

Please reconsider this. like you did with the recently retired mascott… if it’s not broken, please don’t fix it.


longtime memrise user, supporter, and course creator.