No mems on website

It is unbelievable, isn’t it?


I found this app about six months ago. I use it everyday from the day I’ve found it. The mems are the attractive part of the application. I used it to learn new words in english. When i see a new word but i can’t fully understand its meaning, the mems help me to know its meaning and the way of using the new word. Maybe someone knew the word’s meaning better, created a useful mem and shared it with others to help them. This new policy is not helpful at all. I and most of my friends are really disappointed by eliminating mems


then go and vote there: Memrise Release Notes - 27 Apr 2017

(( Memrise Release Notes - 27 Apr 2017))

and tell to your friends to vote as well


It really IS a bummer. Now I don’t get the meaning of lots of words and I have to google them, so the process takes so long. Beside that, lots of users add mems that show the words in sentences and notes. We could learn how to use them properly in a sentence or see the situationes which that word can be used.


that thread is a mess, i copied your link, it is better like this?

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Memrise is no longer useful without public memes. I am now deregistering my account until I hear that the memes are restored to public viewing access.


A day ago or so I got a public mem, or do I remember incorrectly?

Memrise, I am a huuuuge fan, and spend lots of time here as a learner and as a course creator. I am also a developer and understand it’s not easy to get things right, but here are my thoughts on why this is such a bad move:

  1. As a course creator, who is building courses for targeted niche audiences (new users) I spend a lot of time building memes that will connect with this targeted audience so they will want to use the course and share it. If these new users come to the course and find no picture memes when words are introduced they are likely to think my course is crap, and the platform is crap, and never come back.

  2. Most learners don’t have time to spend building memes and are happy to use others which have been up voted (and not flagged) by the public. When I first started out I almost never created my own memes. Maybe I wouldn’t have ever become a fan with other peoples highly effective memes. --why did you remove the up vote down vote system again???

  3. This change removes the incentive for me, a course creator and free loyal promoter of to keep building here and promoting this app… it makes me want to look for a better tool…

  4. Simple fix: If a meme is offensive and gets flagged by more than 2 accounts, then have the meme hidden from the general public. Or allow longtime trusted memrise users to hide offensive memes on their own courses…and if a course is getting memes flagged too much due to students making offensive memes, then disable memes on that course,or disable them for everyone except the course creator or other longtime trusted users… but just removing the automatic memes before this is really hurting the platform. you have options other than hiring more people to monitor offensive memes.

  5. memrise,. as a course creator trying to create a cool new course for a niche audience I feel like I just got punched in the gut, and my motivation for creating courses on this platform is at an all time low.

Please reconsider this. like you did with the recently retired mascott… if it’s not broken, please don’t fix it.


longtime memrise user, supporter, and course creator.


I know this is nitpicking, but on memrise we have MEMS, not memes. Two totally different things, which unfortunately have different spellings.

Am I the only one who goes slightly crazy when people call mems “memes”?


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yes you are

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How do you know??? :smiley:


Getting rid of mems when you get something wrong is so so stupid. What was memrise thinking?? mem is even in the name of their website and business!


Dont worry @amanda-norrsken ive changed it so its says mems :smile:. But yeah. Why would ANYONE say “memes”…

this is a valid issue. did you even read the post?

why not get angry at something useful… like the endless wars in the middle east, human trafficking, or corporate takeover of america, or the fact that memrise got rid of the automatic memes!!! what were they thinking?! you know?

not seeing at all how the word meme is inaccurate to describe the memrise brand of memes called mems… but lets focus on the topic please :slight_smile: this is important. memrise your users and course creators are trying to help you!!

but while you are at it… please point out the mispell on this topic also so it gets more attention. Public Memes Hidden By Default (Bad For New Users)

make sure to reply to this thread also where it has been mispelled. this topic needs more attention. Public Memes Hidden By Default (Bad For New Users)

you Know I wonder why didn’t they call them memes when they first created memrise

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Yes. And you do make valid points.

But I am a little confused, nonetheless, because the courses I mostly use are community-created courses and there are user-created mems available. The number is limited to five when you use the app, but they are visible on both the app and website.

The problem is with memrise’s OWN courses, I believe. The team have decided to disable community-made mems on the courses they have created - which are the most popular ones with app users - but this shouldn’t apply to courses made by YOU, as these are community-created courses.