Problem editing mems (Which were created from App)

Can’t upload pictures or save changes in the wording of existing mems.

Username: gurkitier11
Platform used: web
Date of first occurrence: 2016-09-24
Frequency of occurrence: always, tried three times
Steps I took when issue happened: 1) opened profile, chose mem, typed text, clicked on “save” => error as seen in screenshot, 2) opened profile, chose mem, clicked on “upload picture”, chose picture => picture wasn’t uploaded.


Me too… same thing… and it started nearly a week ago.

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This happens sometimes, I guess a problem with a connection somewhere?

Sometimes the mem IS created, but it keeps saying there is a problem so the user keeps pressing save. Check your mem page to make sure they’ve not been duplicated, it’s happened to me and I’ve had a copy for every time I’ve clicked save.

I’ve seen over 20 copies of the same mem, on an item, most likely due to this issue.

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This continues to happen. No connection problems on my side. It just won’t let me to correct mems. I can insert mems via app but I can’t correct them in browser. I used to be able correcting mems, but not for the last 2 weeks

This is the error message I get

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The problem with mems persists. I can’t modify a mem in any way. I can’t even delete it. Only way is to make a text-mem via app. BUT if you make a spelling-mistake or much better idea comes to your mind you just have to make a new text-mem.
I can wait I just need to know for how long?
@Joshua @BeaTrisy

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Did you create these mems from the application or the website?

On app. But I cant change them via browser nor on PC like I used to do

Alright thanks, I was able to reproduce this bug. Editing a mem created from the Android application causes this error.

And how long it would take to fix it, approximately?

I’ve notified the developers of this mem bug. We are currently battling the pesky tapping test bugs, hopefully the war will soon be over.

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Should I wish you finger grease? Best of luck battling with those pesky bugs

I keep getting this error message myself, no matter which of my memes I try editing, or in what way. (Most of my memes are made on my Android phone, and I’m trying to edit them on my PC.)

“There was a problem saving your mem. Maybe you can try again.”

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Since I’ve started using Memrise there has always been a problem saving an edited mem. However, I can delete the incorrect mems here on website. I started on Android, and am now using Google Japanese input (Godan & QWERTY layouts) to great effect. I find the website too difficult to read to use for learning. Cross reference with several other apps for help and further insights, Jsho is my favorite other app. But I’m loving memrise because it’s fun to use and I’m learning and retaining much more than before!

Hi, I’m having the same mistake, but I’m editing the mem from my laptop. I’ve tried different browsers (Chrome, firefox), but no change.

Also a problem for me, for all Android created mems. As if going back to edit mems wasn’t hard enough, it is now impossible for those mems. Short of deleting the mem and adding a new one.

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After all those months I still cannot edit nor delete mems… first I encountered it in the beginning of September. … How long would it take to fix it? @Joshua

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I have the same problem editing, I can only delete them. Every mem I create on mobile, gets out with this code line < span style=“background-color:#4db6ac;”> < /span > on PC and when trying to edit it i get this message: “CSRF Verification Fail”.

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It has been nearly *half year (6 months) * since I can’t edit my mems. I can’t even delete them.
@Joshua when will you fix this bug

Thanks in advance

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We apologise for the delay and inconvenience.

I still don’t have an ETA for this bug.

This is still going on and it drives me nuts.
The same as the other users:

  • from PC: can only delete mems from Android but NOT edit them. I can only edit mems created from the computer.
  • Android: I can create mems just fine.

I’ve tried Firefox, Chrome, Opera, IExplorer, probably on Edge too (dont’ have Win 10)
Please solve this. You have a really great app.

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