Planting seeds lost?

Did they just remove the seed planting metaphors from learning? I don’t see any seeds and flowers anymore.


edit: it seemed fixed for a few minutes long at day 12.

It’s ok. They’ve just replaced the icons with new ones.


I just checked and it is missing from the web version, still there on the app, though. Maybe not for long…

I wouldn’t put it past them to replace a seed and a flower with squatting Ziggy laying an egg in my face… Hope I didn’t just give them an idea :cold_sweat:

@alanh, what icon did they replace it with, it’s a blank space on my computer (I’m using chrome)?



I’m using the web version (with Chrome) too. I took some screenshots when I did a planting session (in both user-created and ‘official’ courses) a few minutes ago. Here’s a selection of what I’m seeing:


Thank you so much! I guess I need to update Chrome, but I’m very relieved it’s nothing scary…

I still don’t see anything on Firefox. Even when I turn of my scripts.

It could be that or maybe you’re linked to a different server than me @TheLighthouse. Just guessing now.

I just hope they’re not now starting the design work on your ‘egg-laying alien’ alternative! :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Hi @duaal & @alanh

I’m using Windows 10 & Firefox and I can see the same as Alan.

Am I wrong, or have they increased the learning time with a few more graphics?

Hi @DW7,

Still got nothing in Firefox ESR, even in safe mode (without addons).
I’ve checked in IE and there it’s working. The speed difference is amazing. In Firefox I always open an extra tab to read something while Memrise Dashboard loads…

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It’d be nice if we get to learn what the variances of the flower mean.

Thanks for that. I’ve used Firefox for over 10 years but I have recently heard that MS Edge is light and fast.

worked perfectly for me from the very beginning, and that with firefox and forks of. MS edge is not lighter than any other browser (let aside the huge amount of data is sending back to the ms servers)

edit: however, this new animation seems to consume a bit of resources in firefox

I apologize, I must have been tired by the end of the working day yesterday and mixed up my office computer and browser with my home one. Blank space where the icon should be is in Firefox, Chrome is fine.

I certainly hope so, too… :fearful:


Is there really no one else apart from @TheLighthouse who has this problem in Firefox?
I still have to guess where I am in the planting process.

I just did some experiments, and the icon appears in both Firefox and Chromium, but only if I allow scripts to run from “,” which I normally block, because that is where they hide their Snowplow tracking stuff.

Update: I just tried it again, but with scripts from “” disabled again, but now the icon now appears in firefox too. This is all very strange…:confused:

That’s interesting. But as I mentioned above I already tried Firefox in safe mode. That should have worked then? I’ll try later. I’m rather behind schedule today.

Update: I just allowed scripts from and and opened ublock’s logger for the garden page. I can see in the logger some stuff from is blocked but whitelisting that doesn’t make a visible difference.

I just tried planting in Firefox (with no scripts of any kind running) and the icons displayed OK. I took a couple of screenshots if anyone wants to see what I’m seeing.

Just tried a few different things several times on different browsers. It appears that allowing or blocking the scripts from and is a complete red herring, and makes no difference.

When I plant in the latest Firefox (58), I can see the icon, but not in Firefox ESR, regardless of what I enable or disable, safe mode, private browsing, etc.

I can’t be certain, but it seems to be a compatibility problem with the ESR version of Firefox and some of the SVG features that they are using to draw the planting icon/animation.


Yes, seems likely unfortunately. Thanks for testing.


Oh my… I see flowers :wilted_flower: :white_flower:.

edit: and they are gone again.