The annoying flower

I don’t know what the purpose of this new flower is, the one that is next to the word.
However, it’s very annoying on the eye to have it flicker every time I press enter, it flickers when a new word is shown. This is just a constant disturbance to my eye, can I somehow just remove it?

thank you


It also annoys the hell out of me. Hope there will be a possibily to turn it off…

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@eriinnye If you use uBlock Origin, you can add this custom filter, which works for me to get rid of the annoying and very resource-wasting flower. > svg


‘New’ flower? I can’t see a difference. Just tried, still same purple icon in both Android App and Web.
Can you post a screenshot? I’d like to see it too!

They changed the ‘planting’ animation two days ago. It was discussed here: Planting seeds lost?

This is what the first stage used to look like:

Now it looks like this:

The final stage used to look like this:

Now it looks like this:

They’re not hugely different from the old version, except perhaps for the flower bud stage and the actual animation of the final flower. The intervening stages, where the leaves are added, were also changed but they’re not much different - just a bit smaller (I don’t have a screenshot of the previous versions).

For me, the most noticeable change to the website version is that the new animation doesn’t now include those green diamond shapes which used to radiate from the animation at every stage and which used to annoy some people.

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Thanks for clarifying. Doesn’t seem too important, especially not worthy a number of extra 100MBs. Post your memory screenshot as well; then Memrise can review.

Hi - I asked elsewhere about the new flower - am I wrong, or have they added an extra stage to the growing of a flower, ie more learning cycles?

Really? I couldn’t believe it, and tested it: No, still six cycles. I studied a level of 1 word in a course that I use for testing. It took six cycles. See picture.

BTW: it made me realize again that (in contrast to the App), the web does the 6 cycles all at once, while the App does them in two batches. The App makes much more sense to me - leaving some short time before growing the second half (but it should not be a day).


I like it while learning new words, where you can see the flower grow, but not during testing, where it’s too distracting.

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Actually you can make great fun out of this 2x batch 3-step behavior:

You can plant the first 10 words half-way (3 steps) of multiple levels all at once, without that Memrise ever will kill you by a very huge backlog of 4-5h review words.

I used this technique on the PT BR 7 course “to push forward”.

I started planting on the Android app.
I completed planting the 2nd batch of those YY level x 10 words planting on the Website just fine, but I had to adjust learning words from 15 to 10 (on the web, just like the app).

The worst what can happen when you try to bulk learn new words is, that ALL of those (recently learned) words are READY to be reviewed in the next 4/5h and 12h hour sessions.

If your backlog queue is still filled with older items which are due for review, those new words have no chance to be reviewed in 4-12 hours!

As an off-topic remark: the words with the shortest review interval, and if some intervals are the same, the oldest of those, need to be reviewed first. I have some words at 180 days interval. It doesn’t matter if I review them after 180 or 200 days, but for a newly planted word it makes day or night.

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Thanks - I have so many to review that that keeps me busy and I hadn’t learnt much for a while - and I was aware of the stages of growth looking different.