Pinyin not showing in new chinese course

I made a new course:

Three columns: chinese, english, pinyin

I want the pinyin to show all the time when learning a new word, and after the answer when testing, like in the HSK complete course I am doing.

However, pinyin did not show at first. Following advice in another thread, I clicked the More icon on the pinyin column and checked the box for Always Show. This made the pinyin show up on the web version, but it is still not showing in my iphone app. I’ve tried quitting and rejoining the course a few times.

Any ideas?


I’m afraid I don’t know, either, but maybe try checking the “Show after tests” option, too?

Thanks for the suggestion. I tried checking that box, but pinyin still not visible in app (still visible in browser version)


One of my courses I created from scratch has a column like that and I chose an “attribute” column. Works on both web and android.

On the other hand I had an “old” course, where I decided to add a column like that later on - same procedure but does not show on android, only shows on web version.

Therefore maybe start from scratch with an attribute column?

Thanks for the suggestion. I tried it just now: created a new course with an Attribute column for pinyin, then bulk added words from my spreadsheet via copy and paste. Mostly loaded ok, though about 5% of the pinyin cells came up blank - weird. I manually copied the pinyin in to fix those. Saved course, tried on browser client. Works as expected there; great. Tried on my iphone. No pinyin!!! Arg, so annoying!

Did you still mark the option for “always show” on the attribute column, too?

There are forum posts you could try to find that talk about this. It’s something like either only the first attribute column is shown in the iOS app, or that attribute columns are not shown in the iOS app, I don’t remember. And maybe that was fixed. Maybe @pdao knows.

That option does not show up in the attribute column. The only check box is “Show at tests”. Which if checked causes the pinyin to show up when testing, which is not desirable.

Good tip, thanks. I’ll look into that. Though in my test case, I only have one attribute column so it is by default the first one.