Parentheses (aka Brackets) do not work ()

talking about standard review of old (blue) vocabs in complete typing test.

folder 'nebenbei aufgegriffen 7’
example: lemaradni (valamiről) lemaradok lemaradsz lemarad - etwas verpassen, sich etwas entgehen lassen
expected: lemaradni lemaradok lemaradsz lemarad, lemaradni valamiről lemaradok lemaradsz lemarad

folder: nebenbei aufgegriffen 7:
example: (a) föld déli féltekéje - die südliche Erdhalbkugel, die südliche Halbbowle der Erde
expected: föld déli féltekéje, a föld déli féltekéje

BTW, don’t use this one, it doesn’t really work properly in languages with non-Latin alphabets (including accented Latin letters), there’s a version in the comma bug thread that copes with that.

In that case the user should ideally be able to type

keep the door
keep the door opened
please keep the door
please keep the door opened

And have them all accepted. And it should accept them if the user types the ( ) characters.
But it shouldn’t accept
keep the (bloody) door opened

Which it does now.
The script I put above only adds “please keep the door opened” as a possible answer.

or same course without any accentuations, 'nebenbei aufgegriffen 7’
example: letolni (valakit) letolok letolsz letol - Jemanden zur Sau machen, Jemanden anraunzen, Jemanden runterdrücken
expected: letolni letolok letolsz letol, letolni valakit letolok letolsz letol

but in the old script if there were two parentheses it wasn’t working like this. So the old script was also bad in this point, because if there were 2 parentheses in one sentence, both had to be either ignored or both had to be written out. Writing one word in parenthesis and the other not, was also “wrong”, although it should be ok.

So your goal of having it would be even better than the old script.

Personally I’ve only very occasionally seen cases with multiple words in parentheses, and the logic to support any combination of them being included or not would be a bit involved (though not massively difficult), so I’d say that was “nice to have” rather than a reasonable expectation.

Coornhert Latijn Frequentiewoordenlijst Klas 4&5:
Example (level 3): multi, multae, multa (mv.) - vele(n)
Expected: vele OR velen

Course “Kroatisch-serbische Redewendungen”, Level 1 (sigurno) kao amen u očenašu
[sicher] wie das Amen in der Kirche
It should accept sigurno kao amen u ocenasu and kao amen u ocenasu. Only the latter is accepted as correct.

Thats the course:

There is another bug in the same course: level 6, smekšati (razmekšati) (kome) bubrege
/j-n/ grün und blau schlagen, /j-n/ windelweich schlagen, /j-m/ das Fell gerben, wörtlich: die Nieren erweichen
Whenever I water this phrase, the screen freezes, I have to exit the course and start anew - and when the phrase appears agein, it freezes again.

I’ve been having this problem for over a year with the old Memrise German A1 and A2, it can’t be related to the recent bugs.

Sigh… new day, new daily issue.

Course is returning the expected answer as wrong without the (+g) part.

Had the same today that sentences without the words in parenthesis were wrong, but i guess this time it just means that they/he is working on it.

So at the moment just the opposite answers are correct compared to before.
So now the word in parenthesis HAS TO be written to get it as correct.

EDIT: But now again only the version without the whole parenthesis is correct, so I guess we just have to wait a bit but htere seems to be progress in this field.

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I’ve got some items with words in brackets extra in a course and they don’t have to be written for the answer to be marked correct. Just tested this on reading your problem.

Yes, but 5 minutes ago they had to be written, so someone is at the moment working on this problem.

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Hopefully that’ll be the case when the word comes up for review. They were quick fixing a Hyphen issue yesterday, but it seriously would be nice to have a day when the site just works.

Sorry @kotodama,

I was working on other issues. I will spend time on this. In the meantime, please wait.


I have a better idea for tracing down all the problem. Please follow the instruction on the post and tag me.

Hi Martin, I’m sorry to hear that my course doesn’t work properly. I have to change commas in first and have very little time. In December you can count on some improvements on “Redewendungen”. I hope that brackets will work again as intended.

Well now I’ve got something very strange to do with brackets - in 1 COURSE WITHIN 1 LEVEL it is treating 2 words written in the same format differently - both are verbs confondere (p.p.confuso) and congiungere (p.p. congiunto). Memrise accepts the first if you just write confondere and not the second you have to write congiungere (p.p. congiunto). Astonishing. I would like anyone at memrise to explain that one!! @BenWhately @hung-phan

course page

So it looks @kotodama that there are still wrong things. Maybe we will have to alter all the words with brackets as well as commas.

The problem seems to have affected MemRise’s Italian courses:

I just had a mixed situation with the words from the old German A2. I had two items with brackets pop up while reviewing - and the first one accepted only the whole answer, with or without the brackets, but not only the word outside them. The second one, however, didn’t accept the whole answer without brackets, i.e. it was still the old way.

Consequently, I got both wrong. :smiley: