Hello, everyone!
As you hopefully already know, the old Memrise forums, along with every course’s ‘built-in’ forum is due to shut down on July 1st. (See here)
So far, I’ve heard of no plans from Memrise to archive the old forums, which I thought was quite a shame, given the immense amount of time and effort that everyone’s put into their posts there over the years. It’s become quite a treasure trove of knowledge, ideas, and discussions, and I decided that I wanted to do what I could to preserve some of it.
I know other efforts are being made to archive parts of the old forum online, but I wanted to try my hand at an offline approach, where the pages are saved to the computer. A nice bonus to this is that the files’ content is searchable, a feature that was sorely missed on the old forum.
I now have the entirety of the ‘General Discussions’ forum archived, and I’ll be setting my sights next on the forums for each of the courses that I’ve taken.
One downside to this approach is that the whole thing is quite large, with the ‘General Discussions’ forum weighing in at ~10GB (~2.5GB zipped). I figure though that as long as the files are saved, a more practical solution could be implemented later, if necessary. If anyone’s interested, the files can be downloaded here:
Memrise Forums - General Discussions
If anyone wants to help out in saving some other courses’ forums, already has some to share, or wants to make a request for me to try to get to, feel free to post! There isn’t much time left, but I’m going to grab what I can!
Edit: The forums are now down. Here are the remaining files that I was able to collect, with their contents listed below:
General Discussions (Patch) (Posts made after the full archiving posted above)
- Core Japanese • Vocabulary
- Core Japanese • Vocabulary Examples
- 1000 most common Japanese names
- 2136 Jōyō Kanji by Grade
- 500 most common Japanese Names
- A Guide to Japanese Grammar - Tae Kim
- Advanced Japanese vocabulary
- Advanced Japanese vocabulary (Readings)
- Anime Japanese for Beginners
- Beginner’s Anime & Manga Vocabulary
- Fairy Tail Vocabulary
- Introduction to Japanese
- JLPT N1 2000 Vocabulary Words (Japanese)
- JLPT N2 Readings
- JLPT N2 Vocab
- JLPT N2 Vocab (Cynic)
- JLPT N2 from Memrise Beta
- JLPT N3 - by Kanji - Stage 1
- JLPT N3 Readings
- JLPT N3 Vocab (with audio)
- JLPT N4 Readings
- JLPT N4 Vocab
- JLPT N5 Grammar
- JLPT N5 Readings
- JLPT N5 Vocab
- Japanese Kanji Radicals
- Japanese ki-phrases (気)
- Katakana Enhanced
- Learn Basic Japanese
- Yotsubato Vocabulary
- non-Jooyoo Kanji
- American Geography
- American Presidents Order and Portraits
- Country Capitals 2.0
- Country Flags
- Country Mapping
- Introductory French Vocab
- Learn Basic Mandarin Chinese
- Misc (a few scattered threads from other forums)
- Prefectures of Japan
- Provinces of China
- ‘Meaningful’ Bible Verses ~ CEV
- ‘Meaningful’ Bible Verses ~ NIV
- ‘Split’ Bible Verses ~ CEV
- ‘Split’ Bible Verses ~ NIV
- 100 NIV ‘Split’ Bible Verses
- 100 NIV Bible Verses everyone should know by heart
- 15 British Garden Birds
- 7 Days ~ Creation as in the Bible
- A Summary of Each Book of the Bible ~ OT & NT
- Ambient Temperature ~ C & F Conversion
- Archery Rounds ~ FITA & GNAS
- Armour of God in the Bible (Armor of God)
- Asteroids, Comets & The Solar System ~ Space
- Atmosphere with Altitude
- Basic Bible Verses ~ CEV
- Basic Bible Verses ~ NIV
- Basic Bible Verses ~ RSV
- Basic Earth Science & Space Science
- Basic Earth Science ~ Geography
- Beaufort Wind Scale ~ Modernised
- Books of the Bible ~ New Testament
- Books of the Bible ~ Old Testament
- Cloud Classification & Description Cont
- Constellations ~ Learn to identify them
- Constellations ~ Names & Meanings
- Daily Bible Verses chosen by Trinity Church
- Earthquake Vocabulary
- Fossil Identification
- Gas Mark and Oven Temperature Conversion
- Glaciation & Glaciers ~ Geography ~ Frozen!
- HCS 100 ‘Split’ Bible Verses everyone should know
- HCS 100 Bible Verses everyone should know by heart
- Igneous Rocks ~ Classification etc
- Map of Shipping Forecast Zones
- Meaningful Bible Verses ~ RSV
- Memrise Rank or Memrise Title & Badges [No Typing]
- Mohs’ Scale of Mineral Hardness
- New RSV ~ 100 ‘Split’ Bible Verses
- New RSV ~ 100 Bible Verses everyone should know
- Precipitation, Rain & Damp Weather
- Richter Earthquake Magnitude Scale
- Split Bible Verses ~ RSV
- Versetti dalla Bibbia (divisi) ~ Inglesi
- Versetti dalla Bibbia (divisi) ~ Italiano
- Volcanoes & Locations ~ Geography (Named)
- Winds names and Phenomena