I’ve now trawled through the first 50 pages of General Discussion and generally saved maybe 1-4 threads per page. As I went on I included more of the first post (I’ll go back over the first links as well and include some text). I’ll do Course Ideas probably as well over the next couple of days.
I do find myself wondering what the use of it is. We collectively know enough tips and tricks to not need to save those. And as the discussions get older they become less applicable and interesting. The two kinds of posts that keep being applicable and useful I think are userscripts and recommendations of courses.
As per usual, I’ve written an Autohotkey script to speed things up, my procedure:
Prerequisites: one open instance of Notepad (probably called links.txt) and Chrome, Autohotkey script active, Chrome extension from my first post installed.
Have a Chrome tab open on the General Discussion/Course Ideas forum, middle click any threads on it that look interesting (to open them in a new tab) until you’ve collected a few. Right click inside the threads you want to save and click “Save this page to the Internet Archive”, do something else until that’s finished. Highlight the text from the post you want to include to describe it and hit F9 (this pastes the text to Notepad and then pastes the url to Notepad and takes you to the next open tab in Chrome).
#NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
; #Warn ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
SetTitleMatchMode 2
WinWait, links.txt - Notepad,
IfWinNotActive, links.txt - Notepad, , WinActivate, links.txt - Notepad,
WinWaitActive, links.txt - Notepad,
Sleep, 100
Sleep, 300
WinWait, Memrise - Google Chrome,
IfWinNotActive, Memrise - Google Chrome, , WinActivate, Memrise - Google Chrome,
WinWaitActive, Memrise - Google Chrome,
Sleep, 400
Sleep, 200
WinWait, links.txt - Notepad,
IfWinNotActive, links.txt - Notepad, , WinActivate, links.txt - Notepad,
WinWaitActive, links.txt - Notepad,
Sleep, 100
Sleep, 300
WinWait, Memrise - Google Chrome,
IfWinNotActive, Memrise - Google Chrome, , WinActivate, Memrise - Google Chrome,
WinWaitActive, Memrise - Google Chrome,
Sleep, 300
Send, {ALT}
Sleep, 500