Off-topic stuff, split from WTF topic

would you please delete your “message”…

and then go reading the FAQ/how to use memrise/what is memrise, and then look for romaji only courses.


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I will come back to this post in a few days, hopefully, and will delete if not done.

@Hydroptere, could you be so kind to give us a link to this page you are referring to please?

what link, @sircemloud? the FAQ at the end of the dashboard main page?

Other than changing the title to be more descriptive and perhaps moving it to Japanese, I don’t think this topic needs any moderation. This is a learning community, so it should be welcoming to learners, also to long-time users who overuse colloquialisms.

So that is inappropriate.

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I went to the Memrise FAQ and could not find the resource you mentioned, but as mine is in French I guess the path is not quite the same.

It is an option. I wait for more info on this thread to move it in any case

no thanks

“wtf” in the title and repeated over and over, and the rest, are not colloquialisms, are simply lack of education/manners, seven years from home. It should be used only among people knowing each other rather well. I have 0 intention to ever know such children unable to utter 2 sentences without shouting 10 vulgarities in between


If you feel a post needs moderation, please flag the post so Memrise staff can have a look at it. Commenting on it like you do here muddies the topic, and like I said in my previous post, is inappropriate.

5 posts were split to a new topic: Off topic… Unlusted