So memrise, i been with ya for over a year now, hell maybe 2. And i love ya.
But WTF man.,…
So im learning japanese yeah? and im trying to take this test memrise gives me yeah?
Well it asks me to put the answer in japanese writing.
CMON memrise, i dont wanna install some program for my pc just to insert hiragana characters
into the answer box for you. i KNOW the hiragana. its eigo wo hansemasu ka. (can you speak english)
Why the hell do i need to type in the ACTUAL japanese symbols. SUCH A PAIN CMON DUDE.
(Ultra-Sadist Delinquent)
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Cameron, while you might think this is a trivial issue, remember that Memrise handles more than just Japanese text. Memrise cannot provide an IME for all the languages nor assume that your English letters are the correct for a particular foreign language.
It’s best, if you’re learning Japanese, to learn how to activate your IME as that’s good knowledge to have and better in the long run. If you’ve taken my SGJL courses, you’ll realize I really, really do not use use romaji nor kana only for that matter past the first two courses. However, I don’t require user input of text either, but if you wanted to do that on your own, it’s best if it’s via an IME.
I was encouraged very early on in my Japanese studies to install and use an IME, and I strongly feel that it’s the way to go. It gives you much better practice with the language, and there’s no way to practice the kanji on Memrise without one.
If it’s any help, this is the page that introduced me to IMEs, and it’s the one that I like to share with everyone asking about it:
I agree somewhat! I know Hiragana and Katakana and a decent amount of Japanese fairly well. My goal is to learn words and grammar. I can learn Kanji later since it’s way too complicated and I rarely need to write. Can I turn just Kanji off?