Not recording score on a course and same questions reappear

@Joshua and PS @knarusk

This morning I am earning points on this course

but afterwards the master score has not increased.

It is still showing last night’s large score of 16,276 whereas I would expect it to be only those points gained today.

If I repeat the watering the same number of items need reviewing and the same question are offered.

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Guess you are aware of the problem as I have just seen this message

We’re experiencing some server issues that mean that progress isn’t being saved.
We are working to fix this and will have it sorted out ASAP. Apologies for the inconvenience.

For information:

My master score has increased as has the number of items (events) reviewed today.

So did I. What can I do?

I guess we wait until they have sorted it - either by a new announcement or we keep trying it.

It seems you can still learn and gain master score points even if not for the courses.

Incidentally @joshua and others, that banner would be a great place to announce or advertise this Forum - PLEASE.


Visit our new Forum for Course issues or general discussion at

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This is where information from the staff is being given out. Memrise website and apps are down [ Edit: Fixed! ]

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Many thanks @JoThelan.

When searching for topics and then creating this one, I didn’t find anything similar.

Looking at it now, it does seem to be a general discussion by many users about problems, and not obvious that it was a post by the staff.

I see it was started by Arete Hime.

I created this post as it’s not that the web-site (or apps) were down, but it seemed to be working and recording events and scores against my user.

It just wasn’t recording scores for courses or remembering that I had answered questions.

Still no harm reporting it in detail.

Thanks again - a useful link.

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My learning page now says this:

The apps and site should be running close to normal again,
however, the learning progress saving and syncing is not yet fully
recovered for web.
We are working on resolving this ASAP. Apologies for the

You’re welcome! It is rather difficult to find, especially since the pertinent information is buried in a ways. But I’m glad you found it useful! :slight_smile:

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So is the review function and other features still not working correctly?
I’m reconsidering using this website if this is how it’s going to act. It’s been over 24 ours and it still isn’t working correctly. The mobile app is wayyy to easy compared to the desktop version so don’t tell me to use that. I don’t care about score I care about being able to use review/learn words. Right now its the same 10 words for both over an over.
And to think I was about to buy the pro version. Guess I’ll just grab a German for Dummies book instead.

Yes that and not increasing the score on the course was the issue.

PS Score for my course has now reset with the new week and I was awarded points that now show, but still getting the same questions.

This is the freshest bug.

1)For 7 days, answers are not accepted only with strict typing on the web app.
2)Today, i made my review on the Android app, seemed to be OK, but the progress was not synchronizing with the web app (the score went up), reviewed things remained untact on the web surface.
3)Today the whole memrise server was down several times.
4)Now i tried the review on the web, it gives the same questions over and over again no matter how many times did i make them previously.

Well done.

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My update - I’m now gaining points for answering questions which show on the course scoreboard, BUT each level wants to offer me the same questions again!

Cc @Joshua & @knarusk

This one is proving hard to solve. I wonder what the team did to upset it?

That’s how it’s been for me the past 2 days. Just sad this how they manage their site.

Just in case people coming to this thread, haven’t seen this post by @knarusk