New Japanese fonts are beautiful

it worked and it’s better from what memerise had but stil hard to read for me

If you like the old font better you’d have to mess with code, unfortunately. I can help if you want to send me a private message. Memrise really should give you the option to change the fonts if it’s this big of a deal for people.

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Thanks, I downloaded this font, Yu Mincho and now it looks good.

My fonts look different that those in this thread.

Actually, I would like to get used to different kanji/kana fonts, I wish there was a feature to shuffle fonts.
And I really like lwaysgrumpy’s font above :slight_smile:

well look above, download the yu font that 111100こうはい posted

Here, this will probably work better than downloading a font anyway.


What are you talking about? he’s telling people how to change fonts. I would consider that something “valuable to add”.

Btw, as to the topic, I would also like to say that the new fonts are really nice after you use them for a bit(The yu mincho, which I had to download. ms mincho, which is what’s used if you don’t have yu mincho is really bad looking). They might even be the nicest looking ones i’ve used yet imho. Still, memrise really should give options. They could even make all the customisation that people have been asking for for years part of the pro features. It’d make them more money, and people would be happier, or at least those with pro membership anyway.


Actually, seems I already have it too. It took me some time to understand, but there are different Japanese fonts used at the same time, which is pretty perfect for me.


While the main font for Chinese is better now, I find too many fonts on a single page very disturbing; also , the spacing of characters is different for each one - it is very tiresome when you accumulated thousands if items to review…

Review more often then :slight_smile:

But seriously, in real life you are not able to choose a font of a newspaper or a shop sign. So, I think, more I get used to different fonts when I learn better it is. Also when you have a real-life class you cannot choose fonts of the textbook or handwriting of your teachers. “Genki” uses 4 fonts (or more) and it’s on purpose.

Are you sure that you have yu mincho installed? your fonts still look different. I never see any kanji that don’t have the tail ends (not sure what they’re called). The font I see are always the same, and i’m not using any userstyle to change anything. Also that weird english font is what I saw before I installed yu mincho too.

I have Yu Mincho on my computer, at least I can choose it from the list of fonts in notepad. And it looks the same in notepad and in firefox.


But not all Japanese words on memrise are in this kind of font for me. For example, font used on the page of a level is different, it look like that:

The level I made is of type “Test on Kana, prompt with Kanji”, maybe this other font only shows on this kind of levels?

blablablah… sorry, but …

on the web i can change the styles and fontsize, globally, so i can read the newspapers as I wish… what for a browser are you using, netscape or what??? for the last 20 years browser have such “font settings”

somehow i am not able to override the changing spacing on memrise, and for Chinese, small characters in bold are a disaster

good luck with your beautiful mind

(off topic: check the profiles of pps sometimes, from your 2306 items to my 89314 now it is a long, hard way)

@vertigo72 It seems that the font used on the page level is similar (if not the same) as the old font. I found Open Sans to be a close or exact match.

@111100 I did a long review this morning so I looked at a lot of different kanjis. I don’t think it’s the same, because I had problems recognize some kanjis, especially those with multiple strokes. I feel like the font which is used now is more readable and also the text size is bigger. I’m talking about the top word in Genki II course, like 外国語 in the screenshot here:

Before it was less readable I think. Oh, and also I don’t have Open Sans on my computer.
I think different people have are seeing different fonts, depends what fonts are installed on their computer. I wonder if there is a way to find which exact font is used by a web page.

Yes, you can definitely find which font(s) are used on a webpage. However, if different parts of the webpage are using different fonts, you will need to check each of them individually. I’m going to use your post as an example. We will see which font is used in the body of your message.

Note: I can not find the font used in the screenshot you posted because… now its just a screenshot. If you went back to the page that you took that screenshot, you could perform the same steps to find the font of the word, text field, buttons, etc.

Right click the text or webpage element that you want more information on and choose “Inspect Element (Q)” if using Mozilla Firefox. If you are using a different web browser the process will be similar but the option in the context menu might be named something different.

Alternatively, open the developer tools window by pressing F12. No matter which web browser you’re using, this hotkey should be the same. Then click the inspector button. This might vary slightly between web browsers. Finally, click on the text or webpage element that you want more information about.

On the right hand side, look for a rule called “font-family” or something similar. We can see here that the font used in your message is Helvetica. If you’re computer doesn’t have Helvetica, Arial will be used instead. The font is a san-serif style, which means the characters don’t have any feet. You can actually click in this window to make a cursor appear and you can edit the font(s) (or the whole page).


If you’re using Windows and want to see which fonts you have installed on your computer, you can check at Control Panel > Appearance & Personalization > Fonts. I’ve tested this on Windows 10.

More fonts can be found and downloaded online.

Happy Learning! :slight_smile:

@111100 Thank you. It’s “font-family: “Open Sans”,sans-serif;” I don’t have it installed, but maybe it’s downloaded by firefox from the web? There are links to in their css

Btw, I can now see kanjis much better. Don’t know what font they used before but this one is an improvement.

I Feel Your Pain… :disappointed_relieved:

What does it mean? google says i wanna type a vertigo instead.

Hello, for anyone who is missing the Yu Mincho fonts like me. Instead of downloading them from potentially risky sites, you can download them for free from Microsoft.