New Japanese fonts are beautiful

I like it very much!

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I was using some kind of add-on in order to have an easily readable font but now it’s disabled and it’s back to that old mess.

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I don’t understand what you talking about. I just wanted to say the new font is better than the old one. It looks more Asian. And I have no problem to read it.

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Oh wow, that escalated quickly.

Hey äœ•ă§ă‚‚ăȘい. I’ve noticed many people are unhappy with the new fonts. While I understand your frustration, as change is always hard to adapt to, I think you should take this opportunity to learn to read a new font. After all, you will come across many different fonts in Japan. As such, being familiar with multiple fonts, will only serve to aid your overall level of comprehension. In my opinion, the new fonts are much cleaner and easier to read.

If you really can’t stand the new fonts, I encourage you to take a look around these forums. I’ve seen a few community members using CSS to tweak the website to their liking and the code snippets that they’ve posted may be useful to you.


sorry, with all due respect, this is not an opportunity - it is a “take it or leave it”, there is no choice, as usual. As such, is an obedience exercise, nothing more


Wouldn’t you consider the old fonts a take-it or leave-it situation by that definition as well? You just happened to like them more. As I mentioned in my previous post, there does appear to be some custom CSS floating around that you might be able to leverage. I know this isn’t likely an preferred solution for you - but it is a solution.

i have a hard time adjusting to them 

Maybe it’s just how they are rendered in Chrome but the new font makes my eyes hurt. It’s like looking at a low-res picture; pixelated.
This can’t be how it’s intended to look right?


Here is a comparison. Yours do look really low-res and pixelated compared to mine
 I think.


Edit: I’m not sure what causes that, or how to fix it on your end. :frowning:

Agreed. What you’ve posted looks very nice so seems like the problem is on my end.

I don’t think the website sends the fonts to your computer when you use Memrise. Your computer already has a bunch of fonts installed, and the website just tells your computer which font to use. Below, I’ve included the CSS rule applied to the little buttons that we’re looking at. If I understand this language correctly, it looks for “Hiragino Mincho Pro” first. If this font is found - it uses it. Otherwise, it proceeds to use “Yu Mincho” and “MS Mincho” respectively.

.garden-box : lang(ja)
    font-family: "Hiragino Mincho Pro","Yu Mincho","MS Mincho",serif;

What I’m guessing is happening is that I have one of those fonts and you don’t. That would explain why we are seeing different things. I don’t have “Hiragino Mincho Pro” but I do have “Yu Mincho”. So, you must have either “Hiragino Mincho Pro” or neither “Hiragino Mincho Pro” or “Yu Mincho”. I suspect that you don’t have either and that your computer is using “MS Mincho”.

On Windows 10, fonts can be accessed under Control Panel > Appearance & Personalization > Fonts. Older versions of Windows should be similar. Linux based OS’es
 I don’t know off the top of my head. Check which fonts you have installed, if you can, and let me know.

P.S. I have installed the Japanese language (including language pack) on my computer. This is free and very easy to do. I bet this comes with additional fonts and would recommend trying this if nothing else works. I’d be happy to provide instructions if necessary - just let me know! :slight_smile:


You’re right, MS Mincho is the only font in that list that’s installed on this computer. Unfortunately it’s a work computer that I don’t have admin rights to install a new font.

At least this should mean it will look okay on my home computer. Thanks for your help.

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Ahhh, I nearly threw my laptop out the window today (haha) because I thought I had changed the font myself and could barely read some of the characters in the new font.
I’m having the same low res problem with the new font, and some of the characters such as ご are really hard to read and just look like a faded squiggle

I’ve tried installing the Japanese language pack but my laptop is being a pain and keeps getting stuck at 75% of the small download for it, lol.
I’ll give memrise a miss for today, and try and install the pack tomorrow and hopefully it will all be good then, as I am really enjoying learning Japanese.
I don’t like the change of the font but at the same time I can see how it will be more useful as it is more like a hand written style.

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Yes! For whatever reason, I have also experienced delays installing language packs and other features on Windows 10. If you can get a hold of the font file itself, you can just install it manually. Fonts are a *.ttf file extension on Windows and can be installed by right-clicking and choosing “Install”.

A quick Google search for the Yu Mincho font turned up this result. Not sure if it works or is what you need - but feel free to play around with it and get creative. I’ll post the link here for reference, but please bear in mind its a third-party website and I have no affiliation with them. Use is at your own risk.


Did that help you? I forgot to mention that you likely need to clear your browser’s cache after installing the font. An easy way to test if it worked, without clearing the cache, is to open a private window where your history is not recorded.

it worked and it’s better from what memerise had but stil hard to read for me

If you like the old font better you’d have to mess with code, unfortunately. I can help if you want to send me a private message. Memrise really should give you the option to change the fonts if it’s this big of a deal for people.

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Thanks, I downloaded this font, Yu Mincho and now it looks good.