New design

Does anyone know if Memrise is planning to make a dark mode for their app? I know that since Android Q is going to have a systemwide dark mode, lots of apps are ramping up to get ready to have their own dark mode (for example: Twitter and Facebook messenger have both implemented a dark mode setting on their apps.) If the new black and yellow is so they can make a dark version with a mostly black theme with yellow letters, then I think it’s a great change. It’s not the most beautiful color scheme, but if there is some other goal behind it besides just changing the look then I’m all for it. If not, I’d love to hear what prompted this change, as I do think there had to be some reasoning behind it other than just changing it for the hell of it.


Great points, Joelcito! And I sure hope you are right!

I hope they let us choose between the two designs. I really loved the old since the colors were calm for the eyes but had a fun to it with jumping from planet to planet learning, I deal with chronic headaches and seeing the site today gave me a mild headache, I know it’s supposed to be wonky and modern but I really really loved the old and hope it’ll be brought back


I can cope with the new colours, but the not quite round blobs are taxing on the brain (I have astigmatism, so maybe it is extra hard for my wonky eyes, although my glasses do correct it very well), because my brain seems to get confused: “Is that an actual circle? Or is it an oval??? What the actual F*** is it???”

And this is really silly:


The blob around my memrise name is really really annoying. It looks like something a kindergarten kid using scissors for the first time might cut out! It is just distracting and annoying and serves no purpose whatsoever.

And then the blob below with the northern lights (in Swedish: “norrsken”) is that mis-shapen circle:

"Am I a circle? Am I a blob? Am I here just to mess with your vision? I don’t know!!! All I know is that I am really really annoying and super distracting!!! Why did the memrise team invent me? I don’t know what my purpose in life is :frowning: "


We have a saying in Norwegian: “Det enkle er ofte det beste.” which means the simplest thing is often the best.

Web design today should be simple and pure. If too much effort goes into designing something, in this case overly complicated SVG shapes (the blobs), it’s usually going to end up looking bad and out of place.

Draw inspiration from Google’s material design and other similar standards. That is the kind of design that works. A good design should never make itself the center of attention, it should make the content the center of attention. :slight_smile:


I totally agree with you!

At the same time I have to thank memrise for making it possible for me to understand the Norwegian saying you quoted :smiley:

I learnt nearly all of my Swedish vocabulary from memrise/Decks community courses :grinning::grinning::grinning:

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To add to my previous comment.

I was using a blue light filter, because it’s night. Just turned it off to see what the colours really look like. Um. Mustard!

I do agree with what they said in the blog post about the themes becoming a bit all over the place (I know people like the previous design, but there were a lot of different colours and things), but I think an improvement on that would have been to roll back to the pure gardening theme…


I have been using Memrise for 5 years, and I have been a Pro Member for 4 years. I hate this redesign (April 9th, 2019). I hate it viscerally. I hate it so much this is the first time in all the years I’ve been here that I’ve felt the need to complain. I made a forum account just so I can say I don’t like it. Someone please change it back or just change it to something less ugly.


I love it! It’s bold and colorful!

I miss the colours of the old design, especially in regards to review, difficult words, new words, etc. Like some have said, the old design was cheery. The new one is off-putting. The new design just showed up for me so whether it will cause me to stop using the app or not is yet to be decided. (And it’s taken me forever to finally find the Memrise forums! They are well-hidden.)

First off on the website, the profile tab is not doing any justice. The blob on the top looks out of place and the padding around the point box is too close to the numbers. The overall aesthetic is weak and too unrefined compared to other elements on the page.

The icon for “Listening skills” is not displaying properly, It is the same for the “Learn with locals” icon.

I am hoping from this design change that the circles will be eliminated. I never liked them from the beginning, they took up to much space and required a lot of scrolling. Now the space theme is gone the circles are much more useless.

I prefer the front page to contain this (see below) rather than the current circle page. If I could remember a long time ago this was the main page. Perhaps to emphasise the plant theme some flora design could be incorporated into this. The reason why I prefer this as the main page is because when I first open the app I will immediately be able to see the current course I am working on, and all its statistics.

Another element of the update I dislike is how there are no colour variations between the icons.

On a side note, some of the features I personally would like to see changed is at the end of a lesson, I would like to see how many points I earned and not how many words learned. This is because on an average lesson few words are fully completed, so I am constantly seeing the same number at the end of the lesson. If it displayed the points earned it is more of a motivation to see the numbers change.

Another feature I dislike is how at the end of each lesson Memrise suggests what type of review method I would like to do next, I am constantly clicking the three dot buttons because I want to be in control with what I want to do next. The issue I have with this whole process is it is a two click process rather than a single click process before the suggestion review method was introduced.

Overall I can see what Memrise is trying to do, they are making the aesthetic bright and bubbly and the unrefined shapes provide an authentic feel. However, there are a lot of features that are unrefined in functionality and I feel that whilst Memrise is been hard at work they have quickly changed the look on all their different platforms without focusing on the bells and whistles.

Kind Regards.


I find the new design absolutely hideous. I was genuinely shocked, then angry when I saw it. What a shame !


If you’re unhappy (or happy) with the latest redesign, you can get your thoughts more directly to Memrise leadership on Twitter.


What did you do?
For me that means saying goodbye. It is completely fun-free to continue learning here. And I recently extended my paid access. That’s nuts!


The new design is hideous, sorry Memrise team.
It has now become next to impossible to use for people with imperfect eyesight, now that you cannot see the different colours but it is acid yellow and black only. I furthermore believe it is very difficult for people with excellent eyesight as well. I personally despair as I can no longer know what exactly I click on.


Has anyone commented yet on the fact the numbers on the leader board are all inverse Italic? !



1 ) ~ I’m pleased to see Circles prevail in Decks :slight_smile:

2 ) ~ And a simple grey theme. :slight_smile:

3 ) ~ At least we will know which site we are on - MemRise or Community Decks courses :wink:

4 ) ~ To be logical, the Forum should be colour coded to match - Mustard for MemRise official courses and Grey for Decks courses.

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i think the new design is not that bad, but there are still a few issues and really a lot todo…
keep on going!!

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Thanks for the link @driftingarrow :

This is the fuller story:

Remember this ?

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