New design

So I have a question about the mobile app on Android.

With the new app update on Android that changed the look of the app, I don’t believe it congratulates you anymore when you finish a complete set (level) in a community created course.
( I don’t use memrise’s courses) Maybe I was clicking too fast, but usually I think it takes you to a completely different screen. Instead it looked like it just showed at the bottom to continue “words and phrases” like normal and went ahead and entered the next level with a new set of words without acknowledging I finished anything. I just learned 49 words and completed the 89th level out of 112! Don’t just move onto 90. Congratulate me. I NEED IT!

Can anyone confirm this? I need to finish another level before I can check, so I’ll update this if I am mistaken.

Edit: just finished another level, and it indeed doesn’t notify you that you are moving to the next level. I wonder why they got rid of it. It’s not app breaking, but this makes it a little less enjoyable and fulfilling to me.


This made me laugh lol. Cmon memrise, give him his congratulations!



Also finishing an entire course is anti-climatic. There should be a special congratulations screen (some user courses are 5000+ words).

I like to be congratulated too!!


Hi @kevin5284, please could I request that Memrise delay the final transfer of community courses to Decks until the pause button is included in Decks? Thank you for looking into this.


Hi. I like your app and the work you do, however this colour palette is physically hurting my eyes, is there any way I can either change it or revert to the old one? I personally used the app before bedtime and I had the update yesterday… I can’t use the app now.


Please see

Decks website is live!

@MemriseMatty, @kevin5284
just wanted to make you guys aware that the new Apps has a problem because of the colors. It is visible in any of the Japanese Language courses that display the Kanji as a second choice. It is visible in ‘Difficult Words’, ‘Words and Phrases’ and other options because my background is gray.


I wrote the problem up here Japanese kanji difficult to read but I don’t think anyone in Memrise saw it.


@MemriseMatty, @kevin5284

Another problem I encountered with the new App is ‘Classic Review’ in Community Courses. After writing or selecting the right answer the pause is so short that it is impossible to read the Japanese Kanji, Hiragana, or translation of the word if it is being displayed. Frankly, as soon as the answer is correct it goes immediately to the next question. Before there were at least a couple of seconds of a pause where you were able to read the answer if given both the English and Japanese word.

P.S. It is also showing up with the Official Memrise Japanese courses. I am seeing it in Japanese 2 (English USA) where it displays a lot of words without the videos.


Personally I didn’t notice any increase in speed in the transition between words in the community courses, and I use the app daily.( android) I am also studying Japanese so I check the kana/Kanji or English as well, and would have definitely noticed if the transition was instantaneous. I still have about 2 secs like it’s always been. That’s not to discredit you if you personally are having a problem with the app, but I wonder if it affected everyone.

I have the new design app. I made a screen movie to show how fast the screen changes but it’s in mp4 format. Unfortunately I can not upload the video because it will tell me that I can only upload - jpg, jpeg, png, gif formats.

When it comes to changing movies to a different type I am unfortunately at a loss :sob:
I use also Android.

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The design is totally disgusting now. I cannot stand it. My eyes are hurting because of ALL the pastell colors. Who learnt a little design can say that it is a big mistake. The app went lifeless for me.


When I’ve opened the app in March with this new design, my first thought was: close it right now, it hurts my eyes. And I just deleted the app at once.
And now I come to my favourite website to practice, and what do I see? Same disgusting design, that hurts my eyes and sense of beaty.


I have never used the Memrise app, so I cannot comment on how terrible that likely looks if it is similar to the new desktop design, but my god it is hideous. I created the forum account just to join the conversation around this topic because it is so dull and lifeless so as to be offensive and demotivating.


Same reason I joined, I hope they at least bring in the option to toggle back to old design soon!


I truly dislike the new design!!!


I’m quite impressed that they’ve managed to come up with a website design that I will almost certainly have nightmares about (those blobs…the horror!). Please let it be a 9-day-late April Fool’s joke…


Worst redesign I saw in the last 10 years


My 2 cents:

  • I really, really want a night mode. Memrise and facebook - night modes please!
  • I’d like to be assured that there’s been some testing for colour-blindness and other visual differences. So far someone has said it’s terrible for them with a visual impairment, so that’s … not good.

Other than that, I don’t know. It looks more like a school language textbook than a fun gamified learning app, which on balance I think I’m sad about. The colours are odd to my eyes because there seem to be some pastels and some bright colours.

I suspect there’d be a lot of grumbling about any change.

(anyone on reddit? I still use old reddit, because so many subs are optimised for it)


New web design just appeared overnight. Holy shit guys, what are you doing? This looks absolutely hideous. I had to first check to see if my script blockers had broken the site because it looks so bad I was certain that I must have been blocking some design elements but nope, it’s just that awful on purpose.


Why did you do that for us? It is so awful.
Who designed that? There is also a bug because you added footer and infinity scroll at once!?

Please give an option to change the theme.