New design

hahaha!!! The blue/yellow-design is the UGLIEST design one could EVER make. It’s just funny, because apparently someone (a professional designer even?) thought this was a good idea…
It just makes me laugh… but, to be honest. It doesn’t really matter. Ugly or not, I’m glad we can continue to use this fantastic website (and I’m hoping the decks-thingy is the last mistake they’ll make


Your first MemRise suggestion is nice but personally I don’t like the black background.

Are you part of the MemRise team or will you be producing a script to overwrite their style?

I just received the new UI update on Android today and it’s making me consider cancelling my subscription. The old UI had its problems, but they new one is so much more confusing. Can we at least get the option to switch back to the old UI?


New design makes me wanna puke !


I also preferred the darker colors. It was much better for the eyes. Why is it that both Duolingo and now Memrise updated to new bright designs that are much harder for the eyes?

Also, wasn’t there a link to the Decks website on the Memrise website? I don’t find it anymore, was it removed?


Hi @Lunanya,

The link to the decks site is:
Use the memrise login. Remember that Decks is still in beta, and there are some configuration issues.


I don’t know what to think of the new design. I am soooo conflicted. I dont know if I like it or hate it.

I’m not a fan of the new design. In my opinion, the contrast is far too high, aside from the contrast between the cream background and the white boxes, where there isn’t enough. The whole thing is hideous and physically hurts my eyes. The old design was perfectly suitable. I liked the different colors for different types of lessons and reviews (green for learning, blue for reviewing, etc.), and the purple was nice. Now it’s harsh, bright, and distracting.
I think it could be made a lot better by reinstating the colors, at the very least, and making sure there is enough contrast between the background and the UI. I know a lot of work must have gone into this, so my apologies to the designers, but I don’t like the change at all. Please give us an option to switch back, at the very least.


Everything is ugly! The yellow is irritating, the grey is depresing, the graphics are sketchy and rough, even the flower looks like a baby draw it! Its the ugliest update I have ever seen on an app! I just paid for a year! If you keep this enviroment I will have to ask for a refund and give me money of 10 months of subscription BACK! PLEASE go back to the previous colours and graphics! We cant study for HOURS in such a hard and rough enviroment!


Is there any way to revert back to the old design? I just signed up for a year subscription after trying out what I thought this program was, and a few days later the app and website are turned into something so ugly… I want to quit but I’ve already paid.

Please, how can I adjust this back to how it used to be? Or at least adjust some of the colours? The colours are really the main problem. It’s just so very ugly!


im going to stop using this app until the design gets better or reverted. trying to learn with such a textbook-lookalike design is just not going to be fun. contrast this, to the colourful experience from the previous design that made me try this app/resource in the first place.


Nope I was just so triggered I decided to do a mock up in the spur of the moment for some reason hahaha. They should atleast put back the drop shadow… :upside_down_face: My hope is that we can work out something decent and have the memrise team adopt it.


Yea the bright yellow is /r mildly infuriating


Can I post about the new MemRise App here?

I don’t use the App much (as I prefer the web for more features and information) but have dipped into it.

I have just been to the new app and I felt sure that touching the Home button (bottom left) took me to all my courses.
Touching it now has no effect! Even touching it after touching “You” just takes me back to the current course.

I eventually found I had to tap the luggage icon in the grey circle on the top left to get to all my current courses, in order to change course.

Is this correct?

Cc @anon13174193

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Previously reported. See post No 89 on 17 March in this thread and the Memrise reply at post No 99. Navigation between courses on the app is not explained anywhere that I could find and the only way I can do it is by tapping the course icon in the top left of the screen. While the app is ‘waking up’ it can take a few minutes before the course index becomes accessible. Until then, as you say, tapping the course icon only takes you backwards and forwards within the current course. So far, I have found patience to be only ‘solution’!

Afterthought: I am a bit surprised that others haven’t commented on this issue. It may be worth posting something in the Android bugs area of the forum. Navigating between courses on the app should be more intuitive than is currently the case.


Continuing the discussion from New design:

The new design is absolutely terrible! And this yellow color is impossible to look at! It is very hard to study with such colour cheme!


Thanks - just have:
Problem navigating to my "Home" page of courses (on the Android App)

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Whilst I am not too fond of this design, I appreciate what you are trying to go for. That being said, please introduce some contrast to the colour scheme- the lack of colour coding and contrasts for each section (new words - green, classic review- blue, difficult words- orange etc.) is what gave some visual functionality, and I now find it a lot less clear. Something like this, which is a small change that makes all the difference, in keeping with the less bright style.


In my opinion, the inverse numbers look childish.


I don’t like this bland new design. Heck, I would have preferred if they had pursued the space theme (tastefully) more on the desktop version.

Come on, Memrise, at least give me an option. I’m still upset at Google’s design changes, and now this