New design

I don’t like this bland new design. Heck, I would have preferred if they had pursued the space theme (tastefully) more on the desktop version.

Come on, Memrise, at least give me an option. I’m still upset at Google’s design changes, and now this


Okay, I’m really not a fan of this new design (I’m on desktop), and whereas I’m sure I’ll get used to parts of it, there are some things that just really stick out as not-so-good to me.

Why are so many things tilted? It makes me feel slightly motion sick just looking at it. That in combination with the new icons make the site look like it’s from a childrens’ game or something, and that’s not particularly appealing to me trying to study.

Why are the avatars and pictures for the courses no longer circular…? It honestly kind of looks like a mistake, like someone tried to make a circle and got it slightly off, without noticing.

The font choice itself on the buttons might be one of those things I grow used to, but all the letters are really smoshed together, and it gets hard to read. In quite a few places too elements seem to be kind of offset? Like, the numbers by the scoreboard on the left on the dashboard, the watering can icon. (Same goes for the S in the logo, but that’s not bothering me that much. Just looks odd. Meant to be a reference to “rise”?)

This one might be because I’m colour blind, but it used to be really easy for me to immediately tell the different learning options apart (new words, classic review, speed review, etc.), but right now they’re all literally the same colour to me, except for the new words button which I can just BARELY make out as slightly green. What purpose does this serve…? Same question applies to why the numbers are now tilted on those icons. Why? It just makes it harder to read them, and again, makes it look quite unprofessional.

And uh, this one I’m not as sure about, but people have mentioned there being purple somewhere? I’m guessing it’s the top bar, icons, goal tracker, etc., but those just appear black to me.

I hope I’m not coming across as rude or disrespectful here, there’s just a lot of things that feel like they’ve gotten worse from a user perspective and I just don’t get why. I’d rather just have a clean, easy-to-read design, that doesn’t tilt/offset things randomly, and that doesn’t sacrifice contrast for aesthetics, if that’s what’s happened. Having very poor eyesight in general in addition to the colour blindness, the site just became a whole lot less useable for me.

On a positive note (for me atleast), the actual review interface is still the same, and I’m hoping it remains so, but I’m guessing that’s not the case. The decks site only having parts of these changes is another motivation for me to start moving over there I guess, since I only use community created courses and have no interest whatsoever in the memrise created ones.

If this remains I guess I’ll have to write some custom CSS, but I’d just rather not have to waste my time doing that.


If you do write that custom css and are willing to share please let me know. I agree with you on all points (and am not colorblind; it is not just you) and if there is a way to override what Memrise has done and make it usable again it would be awesome.


This new design is hideous…using the app is terrible now, once the user content moves to decks, I am cancelling my subscription and if they transfer the design over to the decks, i ll just find a different way how to learn


The new design looks like it’s at least partially migrating over to Decks. The button icons made their way across at some point yesterday/this morning. With them being badly sized, it’s possible it was just a mistake - I’m hoping it was a mistake anyway. So ugly by comparison. It’s kinda heartbreaking watching this happen, especially now I see that they’ve said they’ll not be working on features for Decks at all (which sounds to me like they’re not going to overhaul audio recording). Still… I’ve been nurturing an idea for a language learning website myself, but never found the impetus when Memrise was almost perfect for my needs. I think this may have given me the kick up the backside that I needed to get to work on it over the summer. Silver linings and all that.


It looks like the people in this thread Angry about the Decks update? How to make your voices heard were able to make their voices heard about the issue with decks. Maybe something similar could be done to bring attention to the redesign?


Not sure if it’s been posted already but the App icon has now lost the purple background and rocket icon and is replaced by a lightly fried egg. :fried_egg:


The worst thing, is that they don’t seem to be listening to the users at all.

When they tested out the new layout they asked us what we thought of it. The vast majority of the users were against it.
And yet later on we get a message saying “We listened to our user and here is our new official design.”

I mean… seriously?

What about the light sensitivity users that can’t spend more than 15 minutes on it or can’t use it in darker environment due to eye strain?

What about the colour blind users that can now barely distinguish between the tones?

What about the dyslexic users who’s brain can’t process all those askew numbers and weird shapes?

What about the huge amount of users that openly commented on how horrible this new design looks?


At this point it really just feels like someone is too proud of his design and refuses to admit that it’s not user friendly at all.


why the hell cannot i not make my own quizzes anymore???

I have a huge project due which counts on my learning with memrise and now i can’t even create courses!!! completely useless

i need to make my own courses

memrise was once at the forefront of learning and now it is little better than quizlet

absolute shit

Please read the post below:



Please try to keep your forum posts civil and polite. There’s no need to rant and swear.

There are always other users (like @sayurih) who are happy to come here to help people who need it. The forum search function will often direct you to a post that will provide the answer. If it doesn’t, a simple, polite request placed in the relevant forum category is all that’s usually needed.

The issue that is causing your dismay has nothing to do with the recent changes that Memrise made to their UI. So it’s not a “New design” issue. While they sort out the technical problem with course creation on the main Memrise website, we can continue to create and edit our courses using the new sister website “Decks”. You will find everything there works just the same as you have been used to.


leave off will you

Thanks for your input here, @alanh. I had the same thoughts as you as I read roryhankin’s post, but it seems - sadly - that your plea has fallen on deaf ears. But kudos to you for trying.


Will do if I end up writing it, no guarantees though, especially not on timeliness (lots of school work at the moment). Will most likely end up putting it on github if I do get around to writing it (so should be possible for others to pitch in/update if I’m not around).

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I’ve posted some suggestions here about the app icon:
New layout feedback thread |CIVIL DISCUSSION|


Thank you for pointing it out. My dyslexia isn’t that bad and I had no idea why it was so hard for me to stare at the new memerise color, font and other changes to the layout. I’ve not been involved with the forum until now. I already have an understanding that this company doesn’t seem to be listening to the community. I learned about ANKI and have it installed. I would prefer to stay on Memerise, but I likely won’t. If other users learned about anki they would find it’s similar to what memerise was, but with a much simpler layout.


I absolutely hate the new color scheme and rebranding.

I’m not sure what your marketing department is doing. Who advised you that making the change so quickly would be a good idea? No warning and your app updates to this horrible new look. I don’t even want to use the app anymore. I definitely won’t be renewing my subscription.


Its just awful and ugly
What happened to last years design? It was rather perfect. This might be funny for a teenager but not for adults.
Please change the buttons and the colour theme back.