My "difficult words" always is display "3"

my “difficult words” always is display “3”.

They are “allergic”,“addicted”,“Miles away”.

If I study these 3 words , they will appear again.

Hi, can you go on the website and manually remove these words from your difficult word list.

Other users had a similar discussion here.

I also have this problem on the Android application. I have a lower number of difficult words according to the mobile application than according to the website. And even then, for one of my courses, the application displays 3 difficult words, the website displays 12 difficult words before I click the course, and 0 when I’m inside the course. Here are the screenshots.

For the Android application:

For the web version on the dashboard:

For the web version on the course page:

Was this inconsistency between the two part of the website already reported? I don’t know if that’s the same bug, but that might be relevant…

I don’t know if that helps, but I also have the impression that the Android application won’t add new difficult words, even when I make mistakes several times.

Hi Onesmy, this is a different issue. The web showing two different numbers may be because you are not pro. I believe this is a visual bugs for non pro users, can you check if all courses display 0 difficult words inside the course page.

Caozh is experiencing a nasty bug, where the words remains difficult in the application when it shouldn’t.

Do we need to delete those words every time we finish 20 of them ? is it the only way to move to the other 20 ? I tried to delete them manually but then I got another 20 not the whole hard words in the app of my phone ? is that a bug in the system ? I upgraded yesterday to pro but if this works only for app and not online I don’t know what’s the point !!