I feel that words are added to the Difficult Words list much more aggressively than before, has the algorithm of how these are determined to need to be there changed? I feel that even words which I got right during revision sometimes are added now, I presume based on some rules using their overall statistics and current streak?
I this only me?
I have noticed the opposite; I can’t remember having any card added to my difficult word cards since I started using Memrise again a week ago. In March and earlier, I used to get a difficult word card every time I answered a general review card incorrectly.
I too have noticed differences between versions over the last few months. It would be interesting to know from Memrise if they are changing the criteria or how it actually works.
I feel the opposite too. I should clear all my difficult word to confirm this
I asked tech support about it and they say they changed the algorithm. My difficult words pretty much disappeared. Then a few days ago it seems to have changed again. It seems they are fiddling with it.
They also differ between the web and the applications. My German vocabulary course (which I do almost exclusively in the app, not sure if it’s relevant) shows there are only two difficult words left in the app, but the web interface says 20+.
I just remembered reading something about this in another post :
Thank to @Arete_Hime
Difficult words: http://feedback.memrise.com/knowledgebase/articles/524540-the-difficult-word-function-explained5
I don’t think the algorithm completely follows this anymore, not from what I see. and I agree with @widle - the web version and the apps work differently, and don’t synchronise well. (never mind that the current Android app is unusable for all practical purposes for me)
I’ve noticed that if I miss a word one time on the speed test that the word is added to difficult words. I read before that a word is added if you missed it three times in a row. I’m finding on regular review also that if I miss it one time it goes to my difficult list.
So it functions differently between the platforms. In the Android app, cards are only classified as difficult if you answer incorrectly more than you answer correctly. That explains why I haven’t had any cards marked. I experienced what @icytwilight did before, and imo that makes more sense. It’s not really an issue though I guess; if I decide to get pro again I can always manually classify cards as difficult myself.
Ya, it’s really not that big of deal for me either. I just found it odd that the different platforms have different algorithms. I have the lifetime pro so I’ve just been unchecking the ones that really shouldn’t be marked difficult.