Missing pics etc in the "Foods in the French via pictures!" course

Hello everyone,

Not sure if this is going to reach @hypermice but as I had no luck finding a forum re. the “Foods in French via pictures!” he/she has created (http://www.memrise.com/course/756100/foods-in-french-via-pictures/) here it goes.

Let me just start by saying big thank you to @hypermice for creating it, it’s a real fun course to take and I thoroughly enjoy it.

Having said that this is to report some problems in the course in the hopes the creator (or whoever else can) might be able to fix them. No idea how it works but hopefully someone does :slight_smile:

Please keep in mind that the issues following appear in both the web and the Android version -I can tell for sure as I’m using both.

  1. In the “Vegetables” lesson (maybe even earlier, cannot remember for sure) quite a few of the words have no sound. I resolved this by using Google Translate to be honest, but putting it out there as it would be great if it can be fixed within Memrise as it carries on to the following lessons.

  2. Once I’ve hit the “Proteins” course I found that in most cases the images are not displayed at all and one can only see [empty] where the pic should have been. So when given a multiple choice question there’s no way to tell what you need to select. And there’s no sound button again so no way to tell.
    The reverse is also happening, i.e. you see the pic but the choices only display the [empty] sign again.

I’m half way through the course now and cannot progress any further unfortunately as I keep guessing wrong and am stuck in the “Proteins” level. So maybe these problems exist in the following lessons as well? Maybe.

So thanks in advance to anyone who might be able to help resolve this, as mentioned earlier this is a really fun course to take.

Best to all and keep learning! :smiley:

Hi @Seltie,

It looks like hypermice hasn’t found her way to the forum yet and may not currently be active on the learning site. [If the person has joined the forum, their username is highlighted when you place the @ symbol before it. A good way to check is to type the username in the search tool in the blue bar.]

In these circumstances it’s usually best to tag one of the forum admins @MemriseMatty or @Lien, (now done) so that they can send an email to the user inviting them to the forum. If there’s no reply, they may offer you the chance to become a ‘contributor’ to the course so you can make edits.

Good luck!

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Hello @Seltie, I see that @alanh has given you some good advice. I just wanted to add that I concur with you in particular over the missing pics - impossible to do those ones. To save myself some grief I’ve ignored all those ones with missing pics - this stops them from continually coming up for ‘learning’. On a slightly different note, but still relative to Hypermice, have you tried his other course on French conjugations. Here’s a link to that course - http://www.memrise.com/course/756657/verb-conjugations-en-francais/.
I think it’s a brilliant course with the emphasis on the French and not the English. Best wishes.

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I just pinged Hupermice an email so hopefully she can join us here soon.

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Hello! I was sidetracked by lots of other things in life, and last I checked no one was even doing that course apart from me! I am so glad you guys like the things I have done. I am adding fixing the pictures and audio to the top of my to-do list, with the hope that I can at least finish up this one in maybe a week. I know there is still a ton of work I need to do on the audio for my verbs one, so I will try to get back into the habit of doing a few a day. Please feel free to start bugging me to fix it if I have not gotten to it in a week. I have a bad habit of forgetting things. =)

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I am looking at this picture course again, and remembering some things. Firstly, the reason some things do not have audio is because I was still trying to figure out if I wanted any more things on here before putting in a request to rhinospike. That is also why some do not have pictures, they were the new things I thought of.

I am going to start work getting the missing pictures first, but if you have any suggestions for more foods now is a perfect time for me to add them so I can get the recordings done. =)

Since some seem to have found a work-around by ignoring the ones without pictures, I am just going to delete them and re-make them, so they will pop up again for those learners. Again thanks for being patient with me! =)

Also I made a course forum: [Course Forum] Foods in French via Pictures! by hypermice

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Thank yo so much everyone for replying to my post, your support is greatly appreciated :smiley:
Big thank you to @hypermice for taking the time to amend the course’s broken links and for creating the new course forum.
Looking forward to have some (more) fun by carrying on with veggies, fruits and proteins lol :smiley: :sunglasses:

P.S.: @Maxine_Downunder and @hypermice I am already taking the verb conjugation course and although I have a long, looong way to go I think it’s brilliant and an absolute must! Thinking of starting the “Paris French” one (http://www.memrise.com/course/33417/paris-french/) after I finish with “Foods via pics”, and alternate between the two for variety :slight_smile:

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