Mems not saving?

Still not working and no word from staff.

It reminds me of when they took away the image search function.

I’m still optimistic though. The guys at memrise are a bunch of hippies and have just spent months galavanting around Europe on a huge holiday. Now they are focusing on other things: Space theme? Meet the natives? New courses and duplicated courses to avoid alts (silly imo, they could have just added a button on the course to click for English (or a variant of English), which would have selected one set of alts or another).

The value of the courses in memrise is now dubious at least. What is the point of these new courses? Is it for geeky people like me who go on holiday and want to speak the native language? If that is the case it will attract much less users than lets say the HSK courses that built this website. Those courses attract anyone who is actually seriously studying a language. The same as any of the languages that follow the CEF.

Then there is the app. Every website needs an app right? Great idea, except it is different from the actual website. The testing and use of which interfere with all the old courses. Now we have everyone and his uncle adding alts to make a course work on the website and then deleting those same alts because they are surplus and unnecessary to the app. Because, the app automatically accepts the correct answer, turns green and then moves on to the next question. If alts are involved then app users have to press an extra button to move to the next question and that is where the problem lies. People don’t want to press that extra button.

Oh, and the space theme has me totally baffled. These same people that took away all the nice plant growing terminology because it was misleading are now taking another step for memrise and one giant leap in the same direction as before. I’m baffled, befuddled, bemused to say the least.

People who studied at Oxford, memory masters, authors, affiliate universities, language experts, all this talk of Science and what we end up with is a hippie bus, total shenanigans and an office full of cats (one of which lacks the correct number of legs if I’m not mistaken.)

IMO, that was the biggest mistake of all and they made it from day one. Anyone who owns a computer knows that cats are going to get involved. They may have some guy from a Scandinavian country (I just made that up) teching stuff on his PC (probably a Mac knowing these guys) coding, editing, debugging, full of thought and contemplation then bam! Meow, purr, cat walks on keyboard and memrise is bugged. Get a dog guys! Dogs don’t interfere with computers. It’s programming 101. My girlfriend bought a cat and that cat owned my laptop every single time I used it. They lean on it, walk on it, sit on it, brush themselves up against it, sleep on it, even attack the keys. It’s a nightmare!

And can we please have the ‘Resident Evil - Umbrella corporation’ umbrella logo back? The new purple one on my links bar looks emo. Almost like it wants to shrink away and go unnoticed among the other logos.

That’s my 10 pence or I could duplicate this post and write 10 cents.



was thinking of going pro – but it looks like features aren’t reliable.

Don’t even get me started on “Pro”!

I was one of the guy’s that paid for the hippie bus trip around Europe. I’m a lifetime “Pro” member. I believed in it, I still do. I believe in memrise but I think their whole mission has become obfuscated. It’s like they are making too many different pies at the same time and accidentally mixing the ingredients.

I can only begin to imagine what the office meetings are like. Sitting in circles, holding hands, singing kumbaya then hashing out different ways to break the website. I mean, why continue with the same old boring bugs when you can add new and exciting ones? Even developers need excitement.

So the “Pro” membership is a bunch of graphs which are or are not useful (you decide). I personally don’t see any need for them, nor do they help me learn faster or better or maybe the science is over my head. The “difficult words” function is ok but very tedious on the app. “speed review” is great but gets quickly boring, though.

But wait! Stop! Now things are getting really exciting with the membership thing. New space theme and Buck Rogers style missions to achieve your language learning goals and the “meet the natives” and they’re adding some grammar things too! Awesome! Except they don’t have them for any of my courses, only for the “new official” courses which brings me back to the question of “What is the point of these new courses?”

As far as reliability is concerned memrise is like a light bulb. When the light is on they are on point and hands even with communication but then they suddenly turn it off and leave us all feeling our way through the dark maze of slender man where the bugs will get you if you stare at them too long.

The light is off right now. Mem images imo are extremely important. I am sat with fingers crossed that this is just a bug and not a feature removal. Although, I understand housing images is costly, I believe they are the heart and soul of the website. I will litterally cry if they axe it.

If any of the above information is incorrect please ‘stand me corrected’ so I may stand for what I stood for standing.



Still not working and no word from staff.

today is the first day of working week… the staff does not work on weekends


…and today (Monday) is a holiday in the UK.


That’s good to know. I feel slightly relieved and hopeful.

Here si a student-of-life original to get the devs moving tomorrow.

Sing alone to this:

I hurt myself today
To see if memrise works
I focused on the page
The only thing that’s real
The image doesn’t load
The old familiar bling
Try it click it all the way
But I can’t do a thing

What has it become
My sweetest friend
Every mem I know
doesn’t load
In the end
And you could load it all
My empire of mems
I will jot them down
I will make them send

I wear this frown of thoughts
Pulling on my hair
Full of website bugs
I cannot repair
Beneath the stains of time
The feelings disappear
The websites something else
But I am still right here

What has it become
My sweetest friend
Every mem I know
doesn’t load
In the end
And you could load it all
My empire of mems
I will jot them down
I will make them send

If I could load again
A million mems a day
I would debug myself
I would find a way



Still not working and no word from staff.

I’m coming up mempty, is no one else bothered by this?

hey… it is 6 am Tuesday in UK! Yesterday was free? Do you think things fix themselves? Have some patience, please!


Sometimes things actually do fix themselves. Do you know what time it is everywhere in the world or just the UK?

memrise office is located in UK.

Yes, I know what time is it in lots of places, not only in UK.

If you have internet connection or some smart books around you, then you
can also know a time anywhere in the world

30.05.2017 8:17 kirjutas kuupäeval “Student Of Life” <
[email protected]>:

1 Like

Yes, I am aware that memrise is located in ‘the’ U.K.
I don’t believe you know the time in lots of places without referring to some kind of aid. Because I am communicating with you through that thing called the Internet it could be a given that I have a connection. I also add that books do not have an intelligence of their own. Since you are coming forth and speaking on behalf of memrise could you please answer the question of why this bug hasn’t been fixed, fix it yourself or get someone to fix it? I made the mistake of not knowing the time difference between ‘the’ U.K. and that far away place I currently reside in. I also made the mistake of not knowing which holidays are currently celebrated on which days in the U.K. as I haven’t lived there for quite some time. As for patience with and “!” (which is tantamount to ordering or shouting) don’t you think two weeks is a long time for no reply? I realise that my sarcasm and humour has been wasted on you, hence this patronising reply. Can I suggest that if the virtue of patience is not a quality of another person that you shouldn’t rival it with your own lack of patience. Peace out in the forum but don’t police out in the forum. It’s just a downer when someone is rude without being funny.


Mems upload fine here :grin:

I’m so sorry about you! I haven’t been to UK ever

30.05.2017 11:52 kirjutas kuupäeval “Student Of Life” <
[email protected]>:

I’ve got this problem as well. finnish-grammar-10000-sentences. I’ve tried to upload a mem so many times. I can wait half an hour, and it still just says “mem saving…” eternally.

@Thisfox Let’s just remain hopeful that the problem is fixed today. I have a folder of mems waiting to be uploaded for HSK 5 and I feel at this point I can’t continue learning because of the workload I will have uploading them all when the issue is solved. I lit some incense, brewed some tea, played music of ocean waves hitting the shore and sit watching that jolly little circle of dots rotating as if it is doing something, mocking me, teasing me with my own expectation and anticipation. Rotating as if to explain some eternal truth I have yet to discover. Dot after dot after dot. Maybe it represents something bigger than I am. Something I must give myself to, when I final let go and deliver myself wholly and without holding back then, maybe just then, will the circle stop revolving… until the next mem.



Same problem here. Cannot upload images or edit mems which contain images.

It’s a game-breaker. Memrise, please fix this!

This is on Win 10 PC using Chrome.

Yeah, I hate the purple m as well, especially as I already have a different-yet-similar m for work, and it’s now harder to tell them apart.

This is ridiculous. I remember people telling me I should remove my pro membership, and stop giving them support, and now that they’re not supporting us, I’m tempted to do just that. The game is going downhill, and becoming a lot less useful.

I’ve tried with Chrome, IE and Edge all on W10. The thing I noticed was when using IE it offered to download a .json file. I downloaded it and inside was the following information:

{“success”: true, “filename”: “to build - zhu4 - \u7b51.png”, “image_url”: “”}

I followed the URL and my mem is actually on the net. So what’s the problem? I’m not going to say its an easy fix to link that uploaded image back to memrise but it does ‘seem’ easy (from a certain point of view).