Memrise website and apps are down [ Edit: Fixed! ] (and Closed )

Streaks are now being recorded for me, although they’ve been reset back to Day 1 and it’s making me redo the same watering sessions over and over, so I can’t properly advance.

I’m not going to be one of those disingenuous people who say that Memrise has lost my money forever (because I never paid for Pro and maybe never would), but I do feel like us freebie-folk are disregarding the loyal subscribers. There has been such a lack of response, and such seeming mismanagement of the site regarding rollouts of new features, it’s hard to believe anyone would have faith in continuing to support this site. And that’s a damn shame, because it really is a valuable resource for so many of us wannabe-polyglots.

Just some regular communication would be nice. I’ve run into smaller issues (in a different line of work) that took more time to sort out, but all the same my business would have tanked and never recovered with such a lack of communication. I know how much it sucks to say “I can’t provide an exact fix date” when customers are practically calling for my head, but it’s something that needs to be done.

It would be a massive shame if people abandoned Memrise to the point where it disintegrated. Such a valuable and fun resource. But the team needs to try and realize the frustration their users are having and, at the very least, say something. Just my 2 cents.


@knarusk, the issue is still there. Here is where I get when I push the learn button from the dash board (NB the level streak is only half full but actually this level has been finished, all words show correctly as learned):

upd: i checked it both on Windows 7 (Firefox, Chrome) and on Android tablet (Galaxy N8000, Chrome, Firefox). Looks like it is same everywhere.

Another curious thing is when I look at a previous level, I see two streaks instead of one (one is full another is empty). Update: it shows only in Android browsers (Chrome, Firefox) and not on the Windows 7.

I’m going to guess that perhaps if you keep reviewing the same item the review interval also gets pushed back, which is the last thing you want.

does “review” function for someone? I just tried to review some items, no change - i.e. does not function

just tried as well, doesn’t work

You have to look at the “Due in …” in the level page. That should change. The counters at the top of the page stay the same.

the “due in” changes, but it is useless, the items come for review again and again

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I made a guess above that that is perhaps dangerous:


I’m concerned that the original error hasn’t been rolled back, more that some fudge job is being done one error at a time. Seems like it will be a long time before things are as they were (ever?)

Are you committed to fully restoring the system or do I need to invest my time (and money) in putting together a new system to manage my vocabulary?

Thanks so much for highlighting this! I just found an item at 179 days but not sure how to resolve it without resetting the whole level?

Is the only option to make a new course with these words in and learn them again?

It’s just a guess. Do you mean it does work like I guessed? If you want to reset it just answer wrong. Oh wait…

Yes I think it does. I dont have any words over 20ish days interval as I am a new learner. I was using one course to review to see if it was working so did a couple of words quite a few time while it was down.

The reviews didn’t appear to register and 10 mins ago were still displaying “now” but when I then reviewed again now, they’ve gone to 179 days.

I’m so relieved I didn’t go mad just reviewing random things to practice while it was down.

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Yes it works for me. I reviewed a bunch of words in a course, the review counter on the blue button has not updated (it shows the words are still here) but when I press “review” button again, I get to the “levels” page.

Hi all,

Thanks again for all the feedback and reports about all the issues. We have been working on many things and although the progress is not that visible, the team is optimising waking hours to get everything back to 100%.

We have rolled out one update yesterday and are preparing another one for tomorrow. As the amount of data that is being handled is huge in absolute terms, in order to have the least ‘damage’ on everyone’s progress, a roll-back is often not the best option, and this applies to this case.

Hopefully the following examples will be helpful to understand what should be working and what is expected to see:

  1. The learning and reviewing progress should be saving correctly despite the buttons not updating the correct review count. The clearest way to check that is to go to the course level page, see the words in the list, do a learn or review session and see the growth level of the words then. The progress should be saved correctly and the growth levels and review times updated. Clicking on the learn or review button should start a session with different words and not repeat the same ones.
  2. The review counters and the learned words progress bar is not updating just yet. So you see the numbers not changing and after the learning session the progress bar on the level and course page remaining the same. This is due to the progress counter and logic calculation for those buttons and functions that we are still working on. A fix is being tested as we speak, but it is a non-trivial one. We are aiming to roll it out later this evening, tomorrow morning in case we face problems.
  3. The Speed Review, Difficult Words, Listening Skills should work similarly to the Learn and Review modes, the numbers on the dashboard remain the same, but the progress and words pulled into the session should work.
  4. The progress from mobile apps to the web should update. The progress from web to the iOS app should update. The progress from web to Android app has problems, but this an independent one from the overall progress issues.
  5. The streaks should increase since Monday. We have a list of all individual cases to go through individually, from the forum thread, from the e-mails and support requests, and as soon as we are on it fully, we might come back to each of you to clarify the courses and some user info.

Hopefully we will have better news about the counters updating correctly tomorrow and then the streaks fixed and updated by the end of the week.

Thanks again for all the feedback, the issues reported and keeping the thread going.


many thanks!

I was able to review two courses, finally…

Any update on timescale to fix this issue?

Many thanks for the work going into fixing these issues, that goes for all the team working on it

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This is not how it works from the level page, there you get presented with the number of items you see in the counter even if no items are due. Maybe it does work correctly from the main page of the course and from your dashboard?

Edit: yes!

That means it’s working fine for me again. Thank you!

Thanks for the update. I was also able to review some courses while for one - Italian for Polyglots no typing course, it takes me only to the course page and the reviewing does not start.

its getting better, but I cant audio review at all.