Not only that, but why would rolling back a failed code revision have any effect on the users’ learning progress, unless they did something careless, such as updating both the code and the database schema in a way that is not backwards compatible with the previous schema, without taking a snapshot of everything first.
Astounding. 5 days and not only is the site still broken, the staff is tight lipped about it. People are paying for this service and they have 0 communication. But hey it seems their PR people are trying damage control.
Won’t fly with me. I’m not using this site and letting everyone I recommended it to STEER CLEAR of this trash heap.
Honestly I bet the staff is out of their depth, updated without making a backup, and have cut and run.
I am. I was going to pay for pro but after this shitshow I certainly will no longer use Memrise or recommend it to anyone. I will actually inform them to stay away from it.
Everything seems fully back to normal again for me - words are coming off review as they should, and are also going onto difficult if answered incorrectly.
@t-hero I think that’s normal behavior, if I understand correctly. Take a look at the url after you click the review button. Does it say ‘practise’ at the end? That should just be what used to be called ‘over-watering’, where your review timeline is unaffected and you receive minimal points from it.
The banner at the top of the web site is gone, and my review number has finally decreased (I assume reflecting the occasional review I did the past few days). Is Memrise back to full functionality?
I’m not going to lie, I was getting a bit impatient with the service not working, but it must have been a stressful week for them, so I’m just glad the service I like so much is back up and working. Thank you guys. But maybe in the future communicate a little more with your users, sometimes a simple “we hear you, we’re working on it as fast as we can!” can do wonders, even if there is no new things to report. Just my two cents.