Memrise website and apps are down [ Edit: Fixed! ] (and Closed )

Yeah, I’m fuming. What on earth is going on and why is there so little information coming out of Memrise HQ about this? Every single time I get onto the homepage that ridiculous banner greets me saying things are basically working ok. They’re DEFINITELY not.


Education is really important…
Memrise doesn’t work properly for a couple of weeks and now Trump is becoming president :frowning:

The website essentially hasn’t worked for 3 days straight now. I will never recommend the pro service to anyone.

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" First, the number of learned words is not correlated between the web
and the app. I learned on both, so now I have different word score on
the web site and on the android phone. "

This has never worked for me on the app version, and the app version was always a total crap compared to the web version. the number of words never fitted and the app didn’t show new words added to courses, although they were added few weeks or even more than a month ago. It was always a huge black box what the app version is doing.

I’ll never recommend the site at all, though I would recommend buying a time machine that allows going back to the Memrise of 2 years ago (and indeed, of the world 2 years ago when things seemed somewhat saner…)


When is it going to be working again?


After 3 days of problems, the site is now unusable for me.

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For the love of god don’t bring up politics where they don’t belong. And by the way, calling everyone who politically disagrees with you uneducated only causes them to resent you and double down on their position.


this has been like this since monday morning, i am still getting my streaks but keep getting the 5 review words over and over again. (at least i wont forget them!)

I hope that they can fix this pretty sharpish :confused:

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when linguistics majors are trying to be computer science majors…

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well… and when “no majors” tried to find some affordable personal computer, one got microsoft, or how should one understand this? who exactly in the team is the linguistics major who messed up the codes?

3 days and not even an update on what’s causing the problem or when you plan on it being solved? And no easy way to export flash cards to a service that actually works? How can Memrise expect its users to rely on this service?


I can’t learn anything at the moment, no auto-learn or normal learning sessions are working. I got told Monday that I have a three-hour language assessment centre for a graduate job on Saturday morning. This was supposed to be a week when I blitzed all my revision of vocab and crammed new vocab and I can’t do either after paying for Pro Membership and spending two years building up my vocabular and grammar sets.

Please will someone at Memrise just be honest with us if you have no idea what is going on or how long it is going to take to resolve. And if you do know, equally please give us some honest, accurate feedback. We’ve been loyal, paying customers so far and we really want to stay with you but if we continue to receive periodic updates to the effect that “everything is fine and should be working now” when it clearly isn’t after nearly a week, we will end up leaving you in droves. I’m am on the verge of requesting a refund for the remainder of my annual subscription payment if something isn’t done. And if you’re not prepared to honour it: it only costs £25.00 to bring up a case at the Small Claims Court. But I am really hoping it doesn’t come to that, it’s just a desperate situation with a 25k graduate job in the balance of how quickly you can assure me you can get this working.


Could we get an update? What the hell Memrise.


The site has now been broken 3 whole days. If the site is restored today I won’t get back to the point (review count) I was at last Sunday until around next Sunday. So this has cost me a week of learning already.

I had hoped I could use the app to review but that has been given me the patronizing and false looks like you are out of internet fuel message.

Hey, we have progress! The watering counters are still bugged up, but the watering itself is recorded! To clarify: for example, I have 10 words to water in a course. I do (the points and streak are updated normally), but the counter still shows that I have 10 items for review. However, when I click “review” again, the words don’t come up again like they did yesterday - it just “loads” for a few seconds, and then transfers me to the course web page. We can start watering the backlogs! Haven’t tested learning yet, I’ll do it in a minute.


It’s probably just a big corrupted table in a database or it hit it’s limit… unexpectedly :slight_smile: I hope you guys have decent backups. Good luck!

“You guys” can at least tell us what is going on and what to expect.

See @knarusk update from yesterday, that should have been fixed yesterday.

Learning works, too! The level icons don’t change, but you can see next to an individual item that it’s learned and it doesn’t come up for learning if you click it again! :slight_smile: The general “learn” button for the whole course doesn’t work, I had to do it from individual levels, but who cares! Now it’s just a little buggy, but the main functionality is back!