Memrise website and apps are down [ Edit: Fixed! ] (and Closed )

Seems to be working on my end, too! Yay! :smile:

Now to begin work on the backlogā€¦ :scream:

@t-hero I think thatā€™s normal behavior, if I understand correctly. Take a look at the url after you click the review button. Does it say ā€˜practiseā€™ at the end? That should just be what used to be called ā€˜over-wateringā€™, where your review timeline is unaffected and you receive minimal points from it.

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Ah could be. Never mind me :slight_smile:

So, my pro subscription was due yesterday, and I paid.
It seems this was the push the site needed :slight_smile:


@poggi - thanks for doing your part ! :smiley:

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The banner at the top of the web site is gone, and my review number has finally decreased (I assume reflecting the occasional review I did the past few days). Is Memrise back to full functionality?

Yep! :smile:


Iā€™m not going to lie, I was getting a bit impatient with the service not working, but it must have been a stressful week for them, so Iā€™m just glad the service I like so much is back up and working. Thank you guys. But maybe in the future communicate a little more with your users, sometimes a simple ā€œwe hear you, weā€™re working on it as fast as we can!ā€ can do wonders, even if there is no new things to report. Just my two cents. :slight_smile:

Anyway, have fun learning again everyone! :smile:


Mobile and web has now synced for me. Thanks to the Memrise team for the hard work this week - it can be really tough to work on system and data issues at the same time, while still keeping the service functioning in the background.

Iā€™m sure that a lot of lessons have been learned, so as to prevent this happening again.

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Thank you verrrrrrrry verrrrrry much for your hard working:slight_smile:

There is still sync. problem with my Android mobile and web. My course list not sync. When problems had shown up, I deleted a course on mobile to reload and see what was going to happen. Then I went to course which I prepared on web and started again. When I turn back to mobile It just sync. with the name and total words. There were not only words also levels were missing. Tried many times but got the same issue on all of them.
Just tried it again, now even the course not sync. with android mobile.
Anybody has the same problem? I am a pro mem. and will wait in patience until the service working properly.

Edit: OK. Android mobile course list has been synchronised with the web. But still having the same problem. My course levels and words not sync. with mobile. Also it doesnā€™t show the words I learned.

I tried uninstall/install the app. on android. Now it seems Ok. Synchronised with the web. But having the following problem with android sync:

Just wanted to say thanks for the work. I realized pretty quickly that there was no easy answer (like a rollback) and that youā€™d have to plod through things until it more or less worked again. Rollbacks are usually OK when you have only past updates + a dead application/website/etc. When you have past, present & future updates that have & are taking place, a rollback is only a tiny part of a solution and how much to roll back, to roll forward, and just to ā€œfixā€ is pretty complex if doable.

Also: No two of us many users use memrise the same way, which makes for some people always having ā€œproblemsā€, and some ā€œnotā€. I was just using an iPad with occasional checking of where I was on the website and none of this had much of an effect on what I was learning (a couple of courses).

Anyway:: Many thanks for your fixing things up so well because at this point, I can use things and really see the progress numbers make sense on the web. Cheers. Iā€™ve used quite a few language sites & apps at this point and this is by a long ways my favorite.


So happy that everything is back to normal. :slight_smile:

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This topic is no longer a banner. It will no longer appear at the top of every page.

That hasnā€™t worked for me for a long time - for months my ā€œBest streakā€ was showing as several weeks shorter than my current ~230 day streaks (well, current before they reset them to zero.)

Getting a bit cheesed off with all of this now - if Memrise donā€™t stop ā€œimprovingā€ the site, itā€™s going to be completely unusable soon. The stupid rockets and drastically less informative interface were bad enough, but this is just becoming annoying.

Iā€™ve been learning on Memrise for nearly 2 years now, and I only use the Android app (itā€™s too hard typing Icelandic on an English keyboard.) Almost beginning to regret opting for Annual Pro (only almost at this stage, but I concur with much of the criticism thatā€™s being expressed. Weā€™re all being as patient as we can guys, but this is inexcusably sloppy database management for a paid service.)

Edit to add: it seems to be working better today, but still the streaks are whacked, and it hardly inspires confidence (and weā€™re still stuck with the crappy rocket interface. I donā€™t suppose thereā€™s any way of downloading the old version for those of us who really hate the cartoony look and would prefer useful data?)


All my streaks popped up again this morning - thanks everyone for fixing this! :grinning:


Is progress graph is going to be back?
(Itā€™s a pro feature on the statistics page with the number of words learned/forgotten)
Iā€™m sure it was removed due to looking too ugly with incorrect syncing. Probably, itā€™s time to bring it back?

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Sorry, didnā€™t mean to offend you!

Peace out.

You didnā€™t offend me. You were just wrong.

It is still not working properly for me. I am using mainly the App on Android 6 (Samsung Galaxy S5), version 2.9_3893_memrise in Germany.
Yesterday, the progress was not saved at all, I lost my 2 weeks streak because it just did not update the earned points and the streak. It also didnā€™t save the watering (review and new learning). So I needed to redo them.
This night I repeated the review sessions and after some time, the points jumped from 2k to 18k. This morning the same: it took an hour or so until the points of the week were updated, the total points were updated immediately.
I donā€™t mind to repeat some sessions, but loosing the streak is damn frustrating :disappointed: