Memrise Release Notes - 28 Nov 2017 (Update on changes to typing test)

Japanese tests lag SO MUCH. It took me almost four minutes for a 17-word session.

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Maybe I knew the answer perfectly and it was only a typo. But other times there are small but stubborn errors in my answers or mix ups with other words. Those mistakes surface especially when I’m tired. It is a sign of some weakness in my recollection and I want to use Memrise to improve those weaknesses not to forgive them.


And really, Geil, no one is saying you’re a bad person for liking auto-accept lol. Just everyone wishes it were an option you could turn off or on. We had a script that did just that. We don’t need wholesale intervention when learning is so individualized anyhow.


do you write English right every time? Or whatever your native lang is? Either way, you are still being forced to type the correct grammar.

No I usually agree with the community on most issues, but I think this is where we are being in error because we are being stubborn. I don’t mind the option, but most mainstream users have no idea about scripts or what not. Only if you are savvy and browse this forum.

I also don’t use firefox or chrome because they are crap. :slight_smile:

I don’t like auto-accept (see my post here). Please allow the user to turn this “feature” on or off.


I am sorry but none of that makes sense. You still have a time clock to think of the right answer, and if you don’t answer it in the correct amount of time… well you don’t know it, and you got it wrong it. Unless you have a script with the timer disabled, then you really are actually cheating and your entire premise is flawed.

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If you’re looking for more arguments why some people (myself included) dislike the auto complete, some are mentioned in this thread I made earlier before understanding the forum layout better (sorry about that).

There is some sense to your argument here, but the downside is that now you have to sit through the timer looking for the answer, which if you don’t find it is actually bad for memory consolidation, and certainly slows down the pace, which this change is meant to increase.

Perhaps more of a serious counterpoint is that if you know it’s either one of two options (or you have some other number of ideas and you’re quite sure it has to be one of them), but you would have gone for option A, which is then not counted as correct, you will know it had to be option B all along (or C or D or whatever after that), and might put that in, and the algorithm will consider that you knew the answer when really you would have gotten it wrong. That’s still a form of cheating, in my mind (not to mention that it messes with the algorithm/the timings). If you’re doing this to learn a language, and you’re speaking the language in real life, you don’t have this feature either—I want to train to have the right answer be the first one to come to my mind.

I tested this to confirm for someone, and yeah speed review is broken right now.

can you give me an example ?

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Sure, for example the one I already gave in my other thread. I am learning French vocabulary, and one of my main issues is remembering the grammatical gender of a word. I will often be sure of the word itself, but I will not be sure whether I should put “un” or “une” before it. With the new change, I can type one and then see it not accepted and know it had to be the other one. So, as others have pointed out, it will be a matter of my personal honor system keeping me from changing the article and having it get accepted. Either I will cheat and my intervals will get messed up, or I have to manually give myself the wrong answer I had at first typed, which is frustrating and feels bad.


definitely not so… It does mess up with the IME (and gives too many hints) when typing Japanese, or Hanzi… Capture

why do you have to continously ruin learning… interacting in real life, and in real time in writing etc has nothing to do with pictograms on the screen, unless your written interaction is limited to money from the wall and buying tickets from machines…

I was planing to quit memrise 6 months- 1 year from now, because I still have my own courses to learn in here and the Memrise Japanese with Kanji. But … what for
anyone, a script to disable the virtual keyboards? and to disable the auto-accept? @neoncube, @cooljingle, please


while the keyboard change is fine with languages like finnish, and i don’t see a change in japanese, but it blown my mind seeing whole russian alphabet. i just wont be able to write the answer in time. i already had a problem with some really long words, but now? maybe, very maybe, in few weeks i’ll get hold of it, but right now i just feel discouraged.

I came to the forum today after doing my German lesson to complain that my answers were being accepted without me clicking on the arrow, and to ask that the program be put back to the way it was yesterday. I’m glad I found you and others commenting on the change already. I don’t like the change because it make things go so fast that I cannot contemplate my answer and think about what I am doing. As a language learner, I need time to learn, or memorize, what I’m doing by thinking about the answer and committing it to memory, e.g. “I put der (die, or das) what is the ending of the noun that might help me decide in the future, are there any other clues that can help me remember the article. I’m having trouble remembering the correct spelling of this word. I got the word correct this time, let me study the word for a few seconds, to reinforce the correct spelling in my head.” These important seconds of reinforcing the correct word, sentence structure, articles, spelling etc. have been taken away from us. Please, Memrise, get rid of auto-accept and change the lessons back to the way they were yesterday, or at least give us the ability to choose whether we want to use auto-accept or not.

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Honestly that is the best example I have heard so far. Genders. That is a fair point, I just think if the reasoning is because you should be punished for typing a different synonym it did not like or if you made a typo, because it’s better for the learning process is sort of nonsense. Of you might be more inclined to cheat to look up the answer (as if the timer does not exist), and as if auto accept has anything to do with that… Pretty sure people cheat without auto accept.

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As I said before auto-accept is great!
I’ve just reviewed almost 600 words and it’s real joy.
Sometimes letters under row act like prompts. It’s helpful too.
So, memrise, if you’re planning change smth please leave this option too, cuz I’ll probably use it.

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For me it ruins my Korean learning. To have already 8 syllables to choose from, makes it far to easy and (like somebody already mentioned) more like a multiple choice test. Please turn it of again or make it an option to choose.


@BeaTrisy auto-accept definitely doesn’t improve my learning experience. So, how about making that optional if it was mixed feedback in the first place?


“listening skills” become useless (and they were not a joy even before)

the whole answer is there…