Memrise Release Notes - 27 Apr 2017

the site is not for kids… reads the rules, is only for those above 13…

The most recent incident I heard about from a fellow-teacher was with children 12 years old. I do actually believe a lot happens mentally between 12 and 13 and a loooooooooooot between 12 and 14 but still shudder

How fricken hard is it to bring back the #flag function? 3 flags and your mem is out


If this was an April Fool’s joke please turn it back. :’( April ended yesterday,


i suggest minds… facebooks sucks… minds is a free space!

(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)

haha i have around 5 or 6 like this …

Conspiracy theory 4:

They don’t actually intend on getting rid of mems. They are getting rid of another feature and to stop us noticing / complaining about that they got rid of the most popular memrise feature, so they can brining it back in 2 days and pretend like they actually listen to their users.


yes, ok, but … sorry: some parents and teachers “delegate” the education business to “the society at large” - which delegation is a stupid gesture. Just because more or less religious and/or helicopter parents send they kids to stare at a screen does not mean the whole memrise user base has to tiptoe.

(especially when those parents come from societies where carrying weapons or certain types of murders are absolutely “not offensive”)

However, I have to repeat myself: I doubt that taking out mems has anything to do with some of the mems being offensive (more with saving capacities?)

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If Memrise were genuinely worried about running afoul of UK or EU speech laws, then they will have to eliminate user generated courses too, because, as I said in a previous post, it is just as easy to place offensive content in an item as it is in a Mem.

Under EU/UK law, a website owner is only responsible for what their users write if 2 conditions are true:

  1. They actively moderate or edit content.
  2. They have actual knowledge that there is unlawful content, and they do not promptly remove it.

So having a “flag” for unlawful mems would keep them safe, as long as they review the flagged content promptly, and delete the truly unlawful content, which might include speech deemed “inciting hatred”, racial, religious, sex etc., or “defamatory” or “harmful to minors.”

If they automatically delete all flagged content immediately, without reviewing it first, then trolls could just delete everything.

If they have to manually review the flagged items, and delete them manually, then they have to hire people and pay them to follow the legal guidelines, and trolls could still waste the moderator’s time by flagging a lot of innocuous items.

For Memrise, the cheapest option is simply to get rid of the community Mems, and eventually get rid of all community courses, or take them over (at least the most popular ones), review their content, then put them under their own Memrise account.


I think you’re right, it’s another clear step away from being community orientated. We can only assume they’ll continue in this direction. I guess there’s no point in upkeeping or making courses anymore :frowning: < that face doesn’t express it. … ): … D: < there we go.


It seems I read news weekly where people are punished for the ‘‘not so’’ extreme cases. So I’m not sure I agree with you. Anyway, even if it was the case, Memrise would of just flat out said it. So it probably has nothing to do with it.

I do want to know who gave them this sort of feedback though. I have a course where I built in pictures from the actual course itself, rather than depending on users to make memes. So if they are doing this to prevent offensive memes, I can just add them to my course anyway. If it is because of bandwidth issues, I’m not sure that would make sense either. They did not delete the memes, they just hid them.

Can they at least tell us where they get their feedback from would be nice. Because it is clearly not here.


I think this is where they are going :frowning:

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I would be so happy if that actually happened!

so that is 1

result : all mems gone

Why? In what way is this a good change for the users?

I’ve been slowly plugging away at Japanese and I NEED mems. I can’t remember a darn thing without them, because the language is so unlike English that I can’t just think “Oh well this looks like it comes from suchandsuch” (e.g. lumière & illuminate). I don’t think I’d be able to remember very much hiragana/katakana without them either, although at least for that I can turn to Tofugu since they have the decency to have their own visual mnemonics.

Implement age restrictions and a downvote/upvote system. Bring back mems and let the community sort them out. There’s 0 community aspect to learning otherwise–even worse than Duolingo, which at least has the comments section for each question built right into the lessons (unlike having a separate forum completely severed from the actual courses that, honestly, is hard to navigate).


what consumes tremendous capacity is the bringing up to each user of the whole amount of mems of each course the user is taking, storing the liked mems, etc. (How many users did that?)

I am not a programmer, but I do have some databases at my fingertips, which databases are updated completely on a weekly basis usually (in the sense an IT checks the process; at what rate a full refresh is done automatically I dont remember now.) In the busy weeks a full refresh is made automatically every half of an hour and the IT people throw a look themselves every evening (or something similar; our IT is explaining the things to us along these lines ). Ok, ours is a small company not using the cloud, but having its own servers, the whole set, redudancy etc. Imagine what happens with one huge database which gets new entries let’s say every minute and is accessed incessantly by some hundreds of thousands of users or even more… And imagine you have a set of huge databases with interconnected entries (or how the he** do they call that.)

It does make sense, remember that for the last months we were not able to see all the mems for an item, only the first seven (theoretically) and that for the last year or more mems were not shared among courses as they used to be. (Somewhere in these fora you’ll find the complaints refering to this measure - those studying Chinese observed that lack first - you did not have the mems you had in the Hanzi lesson listed also in the pinyin level, or something like that). Not to take into account the disappearance of the image feature for mems 4 years ago…

nonetheless, I want the mems back


I find it astonishing that Memrise is so silent and no reaction or explanation …

I learned a lot with the mems and I also want them back. I did not understand why people were complaining because I still saw the mems. But I started yesterday a new course and wanted to remember some difficult words using mems, There were NO mems available. That is not the way I can remember. I am a visual person.

I have seen lately a lot of changes and some I REALLY DON’T like. You changed the Dashboard banner. I liked the sun showing day and night. I don’t like the plain purple color, OK, I can live with that change. There were other changes that affects words with 15 or more characters that can’t be typed anymore. I installed a script, so I got around your restriction. I can’t learn if I don’t type or write the word. And more changes that came, too many to list them …,but I won’t accept NO mems. If all the user created mems do not come back I will let my Pro membership run out.

You are a company that only functions if you make revenue. I do believe with that mem stunt you will lose a lot of your Pro payers. But it seems you don’t care. otherwise someone in your company would have already posted something. This is the lousiest Forum user support I have encountered.

I am very frustrated …


Were the sides of the hexagon supposed to represent different learning features?

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Here is the new topic for the poll

It at the moment has 103 votes. All but one of the users who voted in it want to have the change reverted. Please vote if you haven’t already. And Memrise staff, please look at it and reconsider, or see it as a strong invitation to better explain why you have absolutely no choice in the matter.



You are upsetting (and potentially losing good amount of) 99% of your users in order to please 1%.

Quite a descriptive MEM, don’t you think?


I tried Anki, but it didn’t work.
I could install it, but I couldn’t download from memrise.
Maybe because I’m on W XP?