Memrise Release Notes - 27 Apr 2017

Memrise cannot ask you to pay for community created courses… (they know that, although they say indeed that everything on their site belongs to them…)

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I’ve done the same. Here is my edited review:

I’ve been a Memrise user for more
than five years. I’ve seen it develop, grow and prosper (not in the least due
to its growing community). I might not have liked some of their changes but
hey, it was Memrise, and I stuck with them and continued to recommend them to
my friends, colleagues and anyone interested in learning languages. BUT, after
they removed the MEMs that so many people put thought, time and energy into,
and which have helped so many people, myself included, to better understand the
language and remember new words and content easier, I feel like they destroyed the
integral part of what MEMrise represented. I am changing my 5* rating to 1* in
hope that they might reverse this disastrous change. I never thought I’d see
this day coming but if Memrise team doesn’t care about us why should we care
about them?

I really hope it will help. Although, I agree that something else should be done and that hard work of so many people should not be thrown to the wind… :’(


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It’s bad we can’t do anything about offensive mems, I guess we just have to get rid of the entire system.


I have just looked in my memrise app again. I usually learn on my Samsung Tablet. In my app all mems are still there: I checked it with the Memrise-course Swedish-English, the Memrise course Russian-German and an community-made course Japanese Kanji with German meaning words. Up to now nothing has changed there, no matter if I look up mems I chose before, or others I have never looked up before. Also on Google Play Store there are no complaints from German people. Maybe they have not yet made the change internationally? Maybe there is still hope that they change their minds?

I hope that so very much! It is such a great help having mems while learning Kanji. I made a lot by myself for that German Kanji course but again and again there are some to which I have no idea myself and it is wonderful when another person did have a good idea for a mem. Those with no mems at all need so much more time until they stick! And I enjoy the ones in the Swedish course so much! Someone was so nice to add lots of little pictures out of Swedish everyday life so that I can feel as if I were in Sweden while learning.
Please Memrise, don’t destroy that all! It will make learning so lonely and dull when all mems from the community are gone!


This topic is temporarily closed for 4 hours due to a large number of community flags.

This topic is temporarily closed for 4 hours due to a large number of community flags.

Is this thread closed?


When it say, “this topic is temporarily closed due to a large number of community flags”, what does that mean?

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I believe it means that the system detected a large amount of flagged messages, therefore putting the thread on hold until a moderator looks at it. This is done to prevent a thread from getting out of hand.

Edit: Or, of course, until the stated time period has passed.


Arete_Hime has split the thread and moved the most contradictive/off-topic posts to a separate thread
That has made it possible to re-open this discussion.


Fact is that if they change their conditions, you don’t know as a user what to expect. Even if you pay, you can have a great site today, and tomorrow something which is only half what it was.
Books, on the other hand, don’t change … That might explain why there are reports of dwindling ereader sales and ebooks use.


I believe that this is another decision based on what the average user does rather than based on what dedicated users do.

The majority of users join memrise, try it for two minutes, and never come back. This is true of every single website which has ever been created. Letting short term users to skew your metrics alienates people who would actually use this software on a daily basis and who are therefore most likely to pay for pro accounts.

We needed a way to flag or ignore offensive or useless mnemonics. Why? Because they were distracting us from the mnemonics that we loved, otherwise it wouldn’t be a problem. A dummed down “memrise for kids” app without mems or user generated courses would have been so easy to make instead.

Speaking of personal… this is personal… I can’t believe I spent so many hours creating mems for people on my Advanced Spanish course and now they aren’t even going to be seen. I literally spent hours and hours on just the mems, so people would be able to see the words in contexts…


Little Jimmy forgot to flush the toilet again, guess we have to burn the house down.


Pretty positive with Memrise being based in London, they are possibly subject to England’s speech laws or even the EU’s (for the time being). People in Europe can get fined and arrested for what they do or say on the internet. If someone is posting political or religious memes poking fun, then with Memrise being based in London is responsible for them. Just a hunch.


I am worried that us using their platform to organise and complain about them will just result in them deleting the entire forum. Let’s make sure to all find each other on some facebook group if that happens.

Theory: Memrise were secretly bought out by one of those money-grubbing companies like Rosetta stone. Sometimes this happens in secret and you aren’t allowed say there was a change in ownership, like IFLS.

The truth is though memrise had a lot of investors, they have to justify everything they do to the investors, who knows how they feel about these changes they are making. They were soooo helpful in the beginning. You’d email Ben that a character was missing and he’d be back to you in 10 minutes and the problem would be fixed in an hour. I know that’s the site they want to have, but this is a business, things can’t work like that anymore. That’s what I think.


Is anyone having an issue typing after this update? Something seems off about the flow, like it’s lighter? There’s less of a weighty, tactile feel when typing on this site.

1 I have never seen offensive mem’s
2 You shouldn’t take those laws to serious either, they’re there for extreme case, not for rather mediocre cases
I still don’t think 'offensive mems" was the real reason for the change.

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That’s possible

The issue is not whether or not there are offensive mems, it is what is to be done about them.

I saw one offensive mem. Something about doing something intimate with someone else’s face. Not something I would want a kid to see. People who don’t have kids or teach kids don’t get this but children copy stuff they see. They do. I’ve seen it, it’s terrifying.

You’re saying memrise want to answer our replies but they can’t because there is no way to do it without threatening to bomb a plane?