Not seeing any mems on the memrise created courses

Is it just me? The only time I see a potential memesis when i get it wrong

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I wish that would happen to me. Is there a new setting perhaps? Or an A/B test?

Seems like it might not just be you: Hsk 4 - Where are the mems?

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Yes I just posted regarding the same, this new setting sucks…need it changed urgently.

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Yea isn’t it the whole point of memrise lol to have mems to help learn ?

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I thought it was for people to be able to make their own mems based on what is personally significant to them.

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Sure but the first time you see a word I mem could be useful

It boggles my mind that they’d make it so difficult and annoying to choose mems on the app. IMO, it’s the mems that make learning via Memrise so effective. The fact that the app requires you to answer wrong in order to see and/or choose a mem is deal-breaking behavior, IMO.

The mems are the main reason I use the website only. I refuse to use the app unless I have no other alternative.


Have a look here:

(Memrise Release Notes - 27 Apr 2017)

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The May 4th update says “Let me jump straight to it: we are releasing a new update that reverts the mem changes for all community created courses”. Community created courses. Not Memrise created courses. Which I think is just absurd. I can’t learn Japanese or Arabic very easily when almost ALL of the words have zero mems. I don’t know why they thought adding them back to community courses but not Memrise courses was fine.

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The memrise-created courses are “THEIR” product, whereas the community-created ones aren’t.

I guess they thought that it wasn’t OK to make decisions about those, but seeing as their reputation is linked with the memrise-created courses, I guess they felt they had a right to block mem-creation there until they found a solution for the problem with unsavoury mems appearing on their courses.

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So maybe look for some community-created Arabic courses? I am sure there are plenty and they will have mems, I am sure.

My point being that it’s absurd. I come to Memrise to learn languages. So i would assume Memrise created language courses are the best and most organized ones. Yet they have barely any “mems”, so the languages are that much harder to learn. Why are their courses lagging behind community made courses? I shouldn’t have to come to the site, and ignore their courses to find some random person’s course because they don’t want to allow me to see mems from other users. It’s MEM rise. Mems are their thing. Yet their own courses rarely have them.

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Of course it’s absurd!

And, for what it is worth, the memrise-created courses are not that brilliant. They use the same format for every single language, regardless of any cultural differences that there may be between languages and give us the same anodyne phrases for every single language they offer.

There is something kind of distasteful about this approach, to my mind, although I haven’t yet been able to formulate what exactly it is that I dislike.


this is really bothering me to learn especial topics.
this update goes down man. i dont like it

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There are certainly very few on Level 1 of the Dutch for English speakers course :frowning:

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i have over 2000 memes done, all useful and many on memrise courses . sad… people could use them …