Memrise Release Notes - 27 Apr 2017

Really we dont have time to make mem for ourself,
We have used that prior mems
And when they vanished it lost the importance of learning…
Pleas release them
Please announce them
We need it


All mems have been removed while they had a significant impact on our learning and memorization.
Please return to normal learning method.


There is a Facebook group for people who use memrise - but it is not an official memrise thing - called “Memrise Madness”. I posted there today to publicise this new development. I had forgotten that there was an “official” memrise page on FB.

Nobody on the group I am in was too happy about the removal of public mems, either.

Is tomorrow a public holiday in the UK? I don’t even know. It is in most of Europe for sure. So there might not be a reaction till Tuesday…

Wow, how did this happen? Memes were the ONLY reason why I and many others used your site/apps and now you just removed them? Really?!
I will certainly switch to some other program after finishing my current courses if you won’t restore them.


I keep returning to this page hoping they’ll reply but it’s just radio silence. :confused:


i am 100% sure they will not turn the decision back

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Yeah, this is nonsense. I’m learning Japanese, and the only way to create mems for alllll these words with Kanji is to sit here with a freakin’ Kanji dictionary on my lap while doing it… which kind of defeats the entire purpose. I can understand if your learning something using your same alphabet, but it really makes no sense to get rid of all that work if it’s a different alphabet. If somebody has already done the work of explaining compound words and possibly rare kanji/meanings, why should I have to do it all again? That defeats the entire purpose of this app. I’ve been a pro member for almost 2 years, and if this update doesn’t get rolled back, I absolutely won’t make 3. I’ll just go to Anki or something.


Like before regarding commas/semicolon, your decision seems completely wrong and avoidable. As there were alternative and much better solutions for the comma-problem, there were better solutions for this matter. Memrise chose the worst, again.

I’m already curious when the next ridiculous worsening will happen and what it will do. For the the time, my own courses and the great work of other users still keep me here.


Don’t forget that this is just another addition to a long list of “feature enhancements” (that in fact is feature disposal):

  • Auto learning only for course creators (therefore making it necessary to fork the course, but because such an option does not exist, you end up exporting cards with a half-broken Anki plugin, then importing them again to your version of the same course)

  • Usability downgrade for mobile version (scrolling through dozens of planets instead of a plain course overview and it’s a pain to enroll in new community created courses, because there’s no sane search function)

  • Offline learning only for Pro users

There are probably some others my memory refuses to remember.


I believe you should even ask for your money back. After all, you payed for a now impaired product.


Who the hell on the Memrise team thought this was a good idea? I’m completely shocked. The mems were so incredibly helpful, and were such a great study tool. Without them, the course I’ve been doing for the past year is useless. I can’t believe this. MEM IS LITERALLY IN THE NAME!

EDIT: After years on this site, I’m done. Switching to Anki.


Oh, and I thought this was a bug!

So, if I understand correctly, you guys believe that it is better to learn as an isolated individual, instead of being able to use community knowledge to guide your learning? Pathetic…

If Netflix were to suddenly remove the sound of all films, because of inappropriate content, people would be lining up to receive a refund. All pro-users should be very upset. What you have done is, from my perspective, of similar magnitude. This was the feature that set you apart from other learning platforms, congratulations on becoming mainstream garbage.

If you feel that this message is a little aggressive, I am glad you see it that way.


I had created some mems that were somewhat popular. If they gotten rid of the ones that less than 2 people had liked, that would be one thing (and it isn’t that common to have mems that lots of people like) I wouldn’t even mind them pulling my popular ones into some sort of a bank of mems. I have only seen about two or three mems that I thought were questionable and that was a while back. Recently I have been going through a course designed for the British French GCSE test (which 16 year olds take) and there weren’t any inappropriate mems on it, so I don’t see what the problem was. Although if I were sitting this test in just a few weeks and woke up to find that my study aid had dramatically changed itself without warning, I would develop a strong and possibly permanent aversion to the company.


I’m so sad =(

I mean… Memrise is just a list of flash cards now. Without mems, there’s just nothing left.

I loved reading mems, people are so creative!


exactly : (

some people don’t have enough time to make a mem for every word they learn, so having other peoples mems save a load of time : /


Memrise! I was about to fall in love with you, and you ruined it. I haven’t seen any start up (apps or anything else) that moves back like this.


By the way what do you mean by “a lot” ? If “offensive content” is a big problem to you, you could add a report button and remove that offensive content after a certain amount of reports, like any other social media algorithms.


My feeling is they want to turn Memrise into a service for which you have to pay. They don’t dare to change it form completely free to completely to be paid for, so they’re gradually taking down features, hoping that some people will begin to pay, and others will gradually leave.
If they would do it totally in one step, everybody would leave.
Now they do it gradually, hoping that enough will stay.
That’s the feeling I have. First give everything for free, make people used to it, when they’re used to it, make them pay for it.