Memrise Release Notes - 13 Dec 2017

same with me. I am angry, streaks work as a motivating factor for me


Just went through reviewing my courses the way I typically would. It’s unbelievable how one much a small change in interface can kill the quality of the site. Please change everything back.

But at a minimum PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE let us see how many words are ready to review for each course on the front page. Having to clicking through every course just to see where I am - 10+ courses 3-4x per day, every day - this is a nightmare. Why would you do this?

I am a paying user. I have years of work sunk into this stupid site, 40+ million points etc. I have so much upfront cost sunk into this it would be almost impossible to get me to switch to another service. But this might do it.


The interface made sense in the app because you have a screen the size of your palm and you have to use your fingers to navigate, which are significantly huge compared to a mouse’s pointer. Therefore, having a button to open up a screen to choose what type of learning sounded swell.

However, on a computer, you have a screen that is considered huge, and therefore has more rooms to add these buttons (“Learn new words”, “classic review”, etc) on the lower bottom of each course. What I’m saying is that the previous layout was way more logical, and accessible faster.

I haven’t read the other replies yet because this thread seems on fire. So apologies if my comment has been said already.


What’s this trend with “clean looks” and hiding the buttons one needs? The PC screens get bigger and bigger, and they are empty, because all our buttons are hidden under a so-called “handy” selector.

Why do we have to click more times to choose our session? And why can’t we see which courses have pending reviews or how many?


One additional thing I notice – “Classic Review” is showing for me on a course, when I click “More” the Classic Review icon is not enabled and has no number on it. If I click “Classic Review” – it started me reviewing EVERY word in the course.


This is a bug! Thanks for finding it. We’re currently fixing it and will post when we’re done.


Even if that were true that’s such a shit user journey compared to previously. Does Memrise not have a UX team? Why am I using two clicks to do what I could previously accomplish with one?


No, go into the course where you can see all the levels and the red button for speed review will be in there. Seems they’re fixing it from being blank here though.

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Thank you!

I am a paying user. I took a 1-year membership in june. A little more than one month later, you came with that stupid, childish “Ziggy” stuff (by the way, we were supposed to get updates and information about it, but heard nothing). Then, you tried once the auto-accept and on-screen keyboard, but took it away almost immediately because of very bad user reviews. Two weeks ago, we got it back. We complained again, but you just don’t answer (that’s much easier than to find an argumentation, I guess?) And now, these new bugs and totally dumb and NOT user-friendly changes on the dashboard. So basically, I paid for something in June and have now something completely different that I would never pay for.

I don’t know where (if) the Memrise team studied economics, but when you have a core of customers that have been here for months and years, that support you and create content for you, you don’t treat them like **** and hope new customers will replace them. Because it does not work like that, and especially not in the industry you belong to. You’ll lose customers, the “old” ones will hate you, but the probability is high not to get as many new paying users as you wished.

Last thing: if I could get a refund for the last 6 months of my membership, I would stop it right now. I won’t renew my membership in June (and what will the site look like by then? Ziggy’s flying everywhere, auto-typing so that we don’t need to write the answers “to improve our learning experience”, user-created courses deleted…?)


If this isn’t reverted very soon then I shall be cancelling my subscription, and I would advise every paying user to do the same.
Every iteration or ‘improvement’ requires userscripts to de-stupidify the site. I wonder whether the developers at memrise give any thought whatsoever to how these changes worsen the experience for serious learners.


Using memrise is so f*cking frustrating now


“Instead of all of those buttons, cluttering the bottom of your course cards, now you can find them all in a handy mode selector.”

Yeah, great. Now I have to click twice to get what I want, very handy. Also cluttered? Are you serious? Like someone else said, stuff like this makes sense on an app where screen space is minimal but there was nothing cluttered about the browser version and that’s coming from someone using a medium sized laptop screen.


As mentioned above and in another topic, can we please have back the dashboard buttons showing the number of items currently due for review in each course (and the ones showing the number of difficult words)?

Their removal is a retrograde step for those of us who prefer to review our courses individually.


Having to click on each course to see if any words are up for review is time-consuming and annoying.


Please roll this back - I can’t use the website like this. Please understand, if the number of words up for review is not visible, it is not practical for me to click on each course in turn searching for which courses need attention. I’ll have to stop using the website and only do reviews on the app from now on, and I’ll be cancelling my paid subscription when it next comes up.


PLEASE return Memrise to it’s previous state and never improve it!
It is well-known educational resource and not training place for web designers!



I’m using Goal Setter and can’t see the streaks indicated.
Did I reach my points for today or not?

And what about tomorrow???

That’s all so annoying! I feel like deleting everything! And to forget all about Memrise.
I’m really fed up with all those “improvements”.


I tried to set my daily streak, nothing work, tried to turn off it, now i lost 65 day streak :frowning: fortunately it was only one course, but if memrise do not fix this issue to 23:00 i will lose everything.


I just canceled Pro with the following text:

The changes to the website (13th of dec) was the last straw. I never really used the pro features extensively, but have for 3 years been paying for your services - because I wanted to support the company. But there have been so many changes for the worse since I started paying which only could be compensated by userscripts and lots of other tricks and tweaks (getting rid of ziggy, getting rid of the keyboard, preventing auto-accept, stop the timer etc. - not to mention the comma / semicolon uproar) with no decent communication from your part whatsoever. On the other hand one of the most important bugs (ghost entries in the database) has not been dealt with for YEARS. I don`t want to support you anymore and I regret having recommended your service to friends and family.
When one day maybe you come to your senses I might consider paying again but for now I’m gone.