Memrise Release Notes - 13 Dec 2017

Really guys, I know you try to do your best, and I still appreciate that memrise exists.

But these continuos “improvements” are a joke. I really had to laugh out loud when I hit my dashboard today. I knew that some new fancy idea was imposed to us, and I knew there would be a thread in the forums full of horrified users.

How can you consider a function that complicates learning and patronizes your users worth adding?


The worst thing is “add improvements” what they probably never tried if it really works :frowning:


I’d prefer to be able to see how many words I need to review for each individual course without having to click an extra button thanks


Normal way to do such improvements is to release beta test version of a site and let the people try new features, not to conduct testing on the living organism. Your team have not idea about developing software.


For Ziggy, they said they had tested it, and gotten an overwhelmingly positive response. Some guy from Memrise said they would tell us more about it. Nothing came, we’re still waiting…
It looks like they just “beta-test” new “improvements” in their own office, all of them so sure their idea is soooo wonderful. And now they certainly think we’re just a bunch of **** who don’t understand how good they are, and who don’t deserve to get an answer.
Or maybe they exactly know where they are going, and they know we wouldn’t like it if they told us, so they just do what they have in mind and hope not so much people will leave the boat.

I’m just guessing, of course (because they don’t tell us anything…), but if it’s not it, it really, really looks like it.


I don’t mind the new button style, but I really hate that I can’t see how many reviews I have for each course from my dashboard. Even the mobile version shows how many you have when you pull up your course list. One positive thing I will say is that I like how the Speed Review works like the mobile version now, where the number of reviews goes down even if you get it wrong. That cuts down on time a lot.

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Personally, I hate the fact that the old mode is no longer available. :frowning: I understand the algorithm might help some people, but I don’t like having to click and go into another menu not only to reach all the options, but also to even see how many, if any! words I have up for review/watering. What’s wrong with having a big “next up” button, and then smaller buttons for all the other options next to it (with the word counts), instead of hidden in another menu?

Keep in mind, particularly, people who have many courses. I want to be able to have a glance at my page and see the number of items up for watering in every course on the screen. Now not only do I have to click and get into a separate menu to see that, but that gives me only the data for one course. Then I have to exit the “more” menu for that course, enter it for the next one, and so on, and so forth. Yes, the total number at the top of the page is still there, but I want to know how many items are from which course, and you’ve just made me have to do a lot more useless clicking (i.e. - waste valuable time) for that little piece of info that used to be readily available.


Aeary this week Patreo screwed it up and after its users complained, they released this today. They MESSED UP and they are sorry. Why can Memrise be like them. Face that they screwed it up and apologize. But not even a single response to this treat has been written. Are they fixing this problem? Are they upset? Damn it, speak out your side, Memrise.



It’s so sad to watch the useful service being ruined by attempts to make it “better”… I didn’t care much about the visual appearance, but the Ziggy episode clearly showed disrespect for the users. And now, when it came to functionality and we already saw the uselessness of giving our feedback, I think the only reasonable thing to do is to stop supporting the project for it’s own good.

I’m sorry to see that my money did nothing but harm to the project and I hope it’s not too late to stop paying while there is still something left to lose. My year of subscription ends in January and I’m not going to prolong it any further (at least if the site will remain in it’s current deplorable state). Nevertheless I’m thankful for this year of learning. It was a really useful tool before something went wrong…


No I mean like going to the course itself, if you see the ‘‘course details’’ you can klick on the speed review button and then it works for me.

Ha! Came straight to the forums as soon as I saw my dashboard. “What now!?” I thought…

My goodness why are you so hell-bent on ruining this site? A seemingly endless onslaught of so called “improvements”. Almost never do you actually ask us first, or indeed listen when we eventually all come here to complain! Constantly trying to be hip and innovative. You are driving us mental, why can’t you see!?!?

Leave the damn thing alone!


If you click on the “More” button, then you can see how many words are up for review. But I agree, the new changes are a pain.


I hate it. I HATE speed review on the web version and now I have four of the five courses that are visible SHOUTING REDLY at me “SPEED REVIEW”!!!


The other problem that seems to happen with speed review is that it seems to count as “learning” a word, so I appear to have already “learnt” words that I have only seen in speed review, rather than in a normal learning session.

It is so confusing.


I’ve just cancelled mine and it’s due for renewal next october! Simply as a matter of principle. Gave them a nice ranty message to go with it.


Please, fire the “brain” of all of those “improvements” lately. Each visual update is worse and uglier than last.


This is way worse than Ziggy. Ziggy was cosmetic - I didn’t care at all.

But this - especially if you are a heavy user maintaining multiple courses - is an enormous problem. It slows down learning and forces you to do countless pointless, repetitive, frustrating clicks into and out of different menus just to do something as basic as see if you have mems ready for review.

Ziggy was nothing. This is a disaster.



I have been a free user for almost 2 years. I hadn’t even opened the forums yet to complain because it’s a free service :). But this is now just getting beyond ridiculous how Memrise is regularly using its paying users’ money to make the site a bit worse every now and then. And now not just bit but a disastrous update.

“Improvements” that I consider as regression that are inhibiting learning and need to be fixed or made configurable:

  1. Dec 13 dashboard - it’s a just disaster. people need to see the words left to review for all courses immediately. And other major issues.
  2. Nov 28 auto-accept - make it configurable
  3. can’t type sentences - maybe I’m imagining this but I used to be able to type long sentences in German Memrise lessons 1 year ago. Can’t do the same now in Brazilian Portuguese Memrise courses. Just multiple-choise/tapping tests. Make it configurable.

I will also put down some actual improvements I’ve had in mind if you manage to crawl out of this enormous hole you have dug yourself in past weeks:

  1. Give user the control over the types of tests. For example I don’t like multiple-choice tests. I think they’re quite useless after the initial learning cycle. I would like to type almost always. But some love those tapping tests. So the learners should have more control over it (not just Memrise and/or the creator of the course).
  2. Give more control over intervals on a specific word basis. Like the simplest would be to replace the current accept button with 3 buttons, something like: “remembered it well”, “more or less well”, “not well at all” and adjust the interval of that word accordingly (if it was correct). They could be as alternative/parallel to the current accept-button logic with the middle button working exactly as accept is working right now and submitted by the enter key as right now and having the same interval logic. I.e. Not changing the current behaviour at all for the users that liked the way it was. But giving more options for others. Or just make it simple by letting the user enable/disable this “fancier” functionality in the settings.

I had even been considering becoming paying member not because your site was especially good but more because I’m a software developer myself. But you just invest users money to make it worse. So you see the conflict… :smiley:

Cheers from Estonia


I’m a free user and have a goal of 15 minutes per day. My routine is Review → Speed Review → Learn New Words and repeat until my daily goal is reached.

But I can’t click Review in the More options after already reviewing my words. I want to be able to choose to Review multiple times and not be forced to Learn New Words and be overwhelmed. I guess I also won’t be able to manually choose to Speed Review anymore either?


I’m sorry, but this latest UI update was not well thought out.

I can’t see the courses that need reviewing at a glance, and I can’t choose my preferred type of learning/review session without an extra click. By hiding things behind another menu makes using the site really distracting.

Sure, I could get used to it, but I’m going to be wishing that I could just skip that extra click, whether I was a new user or not.


Some on the forum say that Memrise doesn’t give a rat’s ass about this forum and the web interface but they react quickly to infavourable ratings given for the app.

So it might be worth to download the app and give it a fair rating with a reference to the web interface Dec 13 and Nov 28 updates.

And reevaluate the rating after these issues have been fixed / made configurable or reverted.