Memrise Release Notes - 13 Dec 2017

Is the Anki site only a site where the creators of a Memrise course can import the course they created or can any one import a course they are taking but did not create?

You can import any course you like.


If only there was some layout that allowed all of those reviewing options to be just one click away on the dashboard. For example, the one prior to this update?


Hi there! Well, I´m certanly being importunate but since I hadn´t got an answer in Ziggy´s post I´m going to give it a try here.

When the “Ziggy is now live!” post was released, I wrote several comments on it. The first one was a complaint, like the other hundreds of comments. Ok.

More than a month and a half later I wrote again. I just wanted to know if memrise was taking all the feedback in consideration, and what was going to be done. I got a reply from one of the runners of the site saying that they were considering the issue and would inform us in a short time. This was on September 26.

Fast forward to October 28, when already three months had passed without any kind of info from the memrise team. I wrote another post asking them to just tell us already what´s going to be done and what´s not. Many others did the same thing. And we´re still waiting.

Now we have a new “improvement” which is not considered at all like one by the users. We have tons of feedback again. BUT no answers from the memrise team. No reaction.

I understand that it has to be really hard to run a site like this. We are a lot of users and it´s hard to keep everyone happy. I also understand that people doesn´t react well on changes (at least, unsolicited changes). You guys are probably going through a lot of pressure, and I´m sorry for that.

But we´d really appreciate if you read the feedback you´re getting and used it for improving the site. There are many improvements that have actually been asked for by a lot of people and would be really useful.

Some of them are those:

  • Make the levels closer to each other (for example, I myself need about a year to level up right now).

  • Make the dashboard quicker to load

  • Go back to previous garden design an bring back the badges

I´ve read some previous comments stating that you should fire whoever is making the decisions right now. Well, I find this to be way too harsh. I think there´s a way better solution for all of us:

Just open a thread about site improvement suggestions, and we´ll just make the work for you guys!

We are the users and we easily notice which things could be improved. It´s common that we miss this one button or we´d like this other function.

Also, we would really appreciate if after you release these notes you´d interact with the users. I think I can speak for everyone here when I say that we feel that when a new change is announced you just drop the bomb and then dissapear. I know that we comment massively and that a lot of time and effort is needed to read all our comments and answer to them. But we´d be happy just with a general answer to all of them, saying that you´re there, you read the feedback, and stating your reaction to it and your decisions about the issues.

Please, listen to us. I don´t just say it because it is the suitable thing for me, but also because I think that it´s much better for the site and its popularity too.


Any chance of making review numbers clickable? Very easy change. Would make a lot of us review hogs happier. Always one click to review. (we could also use custom stylesheets to hide everything but this number - which is what I was doing before the recent upgrade).


They used to have this in the older forums, remember? There were topics and comments on changes, and each user got “votes” to use in various initiatives. There were hundreds of votes, if I remember correctly, for changes from “planting/watering/harvesting” and nothing really came to in terms user voices. Not trying to be pessimistic here but it makes you wonder why that whole relatively new feedback system was sort of dropped.


You´re right, I´ve just been informed about that and that´s correct. I think it is a pity, this site would work so much better if feedback was considered…!


1 no feedback on the issue of “obligatory guessing” words/characters? could one not have an option to disable that?

(I am using a script for blocking that, but then unfortunatelly I cannot take strict typing courses, the language specific characters are invisible…)

2 the “next up” button is devoid of any meaning. As you can see from the attch picture, it “asks” me for example to learn new words, when 27! items are waiting for review


The sole purpose of this change was to promote pro features. No science or sophisticated algorithm in the background.
They realized the vast majority of the users just want simple review, and doesn’t really care about the rest.
They cannot block the review button, but they can make the user bump into the pro features more often, and make the UI a bit more annoying if the user wants to avoid them.

The original message was that free Memrise has everything you need, but you can buy pro features to have even faster progress. Now they want to forge an image where Pro Memrise is “The” Memrise, the free is just a dumbed-down version. Those are not extra features you can buy to boost your progress, but essential features you are missing unless you buy Pro.

(Also the Memrise app does not support anymore adding non-official courses, so you don’t even get a hint that 99% of the courses are fine without “Meet the Natives” or grammarbots.)


I pay a Pro membership so that I can have access to the “difficult words”. How convenient it is then that I can’t choose to review my difficult words anytime I want on the website (it stays in grey in the new window, you know, the window I have to open to get to the options I want - yes, the window nobody wanted to have).

The (totally incompetent) Memrise team really wants to decide how I have to work with my courses? Who the *** do you think you are, to think that you know so much better than me how I have to study, that you deny me to do it the way I want? Do you really think you fool anybody with your “pieces of random engineering”??

Dear Memrise Team, you are ridiculous. Your site is worth it only for the user-made content. And now, you do everything you can to ruin the user experience? We got the small “markers for review and difficult words”, but they are not clickable (so basically, still worse than before you began to **** it up), but still, you had to remove something else. Otherwise, who knows, people would have forgotten you seem to only exist to irritate your paying users?


It looks like I can no longer choose to do classic review. This forces me to do speed review or learn new words. What is the point of this change other than to force users to pay for upgrade? Please can we have the choice to do classic review if we want. Afterall, it is called “classic” which denotes a longstanding basic feature, so why limit the choice to use it? thanks


Well, somehow you still can, even this will not work from the main dashboard anymore:

  • Either go into “Groups” and add your own courses to your own MyCourses group; all blue review buttons are still there (but the streak info is missing)

  • Open the course directly and hit the Review button or save the /course/classic_review url and it will load

  • the main dashboard option window popup will even deactivate the classic review when there are no reviews in your backlog; you can not do over-watering anymore from the dashboard

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I want to be able to access classic review at all times – that is all!

Removing a user’s ability to review when s/he wants to makes no educational sense at all. No algorithm is ever going to make up for individual choice.


Hello @ everbody!

You are annoyed about the new more-functionalty? Me too!

Here is my workaround for this unnecessary problem. Use the bookmark capabalities of your browser!
Generate a new favorite folder named “memrise” or so. Inside this folder create another folder named like the course you are learning:

-> Memrise -> Spanish_1

Now save the appropiate links to classic-review, difficult-words etc.

New :



Of course, the number and name differ for your own courses.

Yes, it’s a little work, but it is worth it!!
Learn what and whenever you want it.

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Please, quit “improving” the page.

Today I was forced to “learn new words” when I only wanted a classic review. April’s fools is not today. Please revert the change that nobody asked for. =_=


Memrise’s development team truly is awful.


It seems there is a way for course creators to override the awful anagram/jumbled letters issue that is plaguing non-language courses (and language courses without special alphabets).

Under ‘edit course’, ‘edit column’, ‘testing’, ‘keyboard characters’, entering any characters will override the anagram-of-the-answer feature. For instance ‘a’, ‘thewholealphabet’ or just a full stop. Users can still of course type what they want and are not restricted to what is entered in this box.

I have now done this for my created courses - I hope the course creators do this for the ones I’m a consumer of.

A further workaround I have used for the other problem of auto-acceptance is to change my target words to begin with capital letters. Since most people won’t naturally type the capital letter, it doesn’t trigger the auto-accept when correct. Not appropriate for every course, I know - and a faff to implement.

This has saved memrise for me - at least for my own courses.

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Have I missed an announcement @BeaTrisy ? (Course Creators may be more aware of this).

Recently I have noticed several of the courses I am watering say “Pick the correct one”.

They used to refer to the column entry eg “Painting”, Title, “Artist” or “Date”. So it would be “Choose the right artist for the painting Shown” (or something similar).

At first I thought it was with a very old course that I just started supporting but I am now seeing it everywhere.

This is a shame as I thought guidance, using the column title was helpful.

Cc @Lien

PS Raised as it’s own thread:

useless to ever expect a reaction from the team. I wonder… it seems they all come from authoritarian environments, “take it or leave it” seems to be the motto of the house…


By the way, could someone explain what happened with access to the user-created courses in the Android app? They are not available for the moment or gone for good? I mean those courses which one can add to his learning list.

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