Memrise Release Notes - 13 Dec 2017


And farther down:

Hope that helps.

P.S. Ziggy (or whatever its name is) is bigger than More button.


Great! You even got the screenshot with all speed review buttons in courses where speed review doesn’t even work (picture based courses). Nice one!


GREAT, thanks! One last request, could you please upload a screenshot of the blue screen that pops out when you click the More button? Thanks
If everything goes right, I will let you know why I need those pics. Thanks Again!

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My pleasure!
I could screenshot all night long if I knew I wouldn’t see it in the morning… :slight_smile:

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Thanks a lot. They would be useful! Thanks again!

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It looks like they just removed at least one of my comments too, in a reply to this question by @Thomas.Heiss: Are you serious with this new update?

My reply consisted of entirely public information that they are required to disclose about Memrise Ltd.'s recent transactions and ownership published on the UK government’s Companies House website, and my summary information about Memrise’s staff, and an observation that the Memrise staff appears to me to be very young, based entirely on public information posted on Memrise’s own sites.

This type of behavior suggests that they are scared of their users, and does not bode well for the company.

I would suggest doing everything possible to preserve your own course materials while you still can.


You are welcome. I’m going out now but if you think of anything else, let me know and I’ll upload it first thing in the morning (GMT+4). And thank you for whatever it is you are trying to do, I hope it works!


Thanks, again! Sleep tight!

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So speed review does not work on picture based courses? I didn´t know that. Even if you are a Pro member?

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Finally a reaction!!! People, now we can see again how many items need watering!!! Phhufu… :heart_eyes:


I fear you may be right… But what do you suggest we do? If, out of worry that they’ll delete the forums, we stop giving feedback and asking for their response, in the hope that they’ll keep them if all anyone writes is positive, they may just delete the forums anyway, whether or not they find them awkard or embarrassing for the company. They deleted the course forums after all and they were very useful for asking about different meanings of a word in a different context, pointing out spelling mistakes, etc. If the forums are just where we vent our frustration and not at all useful to Memrise they’ll delete them anyway…

Ooh-err, I don’t like the sound of them trying to make a profitable exit. Why would they be developing updates if so? But re. the other points you made about churning new members world-wide and hoping if they ignore us everything will continue to be fine, I fear you may be right that that’s their attitude. They’re not going to admit to making mistakes with updates. But why are they not making some sort of hedging statement to try to placate upset users? Something bland to the effect that “we’re sorry that it’s not possible to keep all our users happy at once but just to say to those long-term users who feel we’re neglecting them, we really feel that the site’s innovations are going to improve everyone’s experience and that’s we we’re taking this direction, but can we also say that we really value you as customers, many of whom have been with us for years as a website, and we value your feedback. We have read your comments and promise we’ll bear these in mind going forward when considering future updates.” You know, after a statement like that, if they still release rubbish future updates that haven’t been tested and don’t work, and had effectively still ignored us, at least a statement of that kind would show there is someone out there who is replying to our comments, which would be better than continuing to ignoring us… But then 200-odd of us regular forum commentors only amounts to £8,000-odd, if we’re each paying 40 quid a year: a fraction of one staff member’s salary. I don’t know, it’s all daft.


Thanks Memrise for adding the watering can so that we can easily again see how many words we need to review in each class!


Yes. Thank you Memrise for adding the watering can! :heart_eyes:

For those of us who have lots of courses and who, for a whole range of different reasons prefer to water/review them course by course, It really was a major pain in the rear end having to open the new “More” panels one at a time to see where the ‘waiting to be reviewed’ items were located. And it was even more of a pain when you had worked through all your courses only to find that the blue “Review” button at the top had re-loaded, meaning it was then necessary to go back through all the courses again. Madness! :weary:

Thank you! It’s a big step (back) in the right direction.


I think at this time, there’s not much to do but stay the course and understand that we’re howling in the wind. Based on some recent posts, earlier messages are being removed so I’m guessing that a positive tone on these boards will be maintained under the guise of enforcing the Terms and Conditions of the site (especially any post that may fall under the “inflammatory” heading. I’ve not heard of super strict forum moderation in the past but who knows going forward.

Developing certain updates is advantageous to the overall corporate strategy and increase the value of the company. For (a somewhat extreme) example, developing an update that includes and auto-enter upon correct feature will boost the statistics of successful user learning thus enhancing the view that Memrise delivers on the promise of enhanced / fast learning of languages and many other things.

As for putting out any kind of conciliatory statement, 1) it’s too late and 2) anything written wouldn’t placate the old user base and could potentially be used against the company (better to remain silent and thought a fool than speak and remove all doubt). The risk / reward curve just isn’t high enough for such a small (though vocal) user base.

We’ll see how it goes but based on some previous posts, it might be a nice idea to use some user created migration scripts and have courses on Anki if things really do go pear shaped.

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It was much clearer before, and you still have to click on the button “more” to do your review if you’re not lucky enough that the “piece of … engineering” decides that your “next up” is a classic review. (And, why watering ? Aren’t we in space now? Ziggy and stuff ? Or maybe you’ll abandon that too ? That would be a nice Christmas gift :slight_smile: )

But, well, to conclude: as we’re now used to, the quality and usability goes a lot down, and then a little up, and people are happy. Until the next bad idea.
So: I’m not as angry as I was, but I still don’t think I will renew my Pro membership. And I still will migrate courses to Anki, just in case. Better safe than sorry…


Agreed: thanks chaps at Memrise for adding the can and lightning, much better than multiple scrolling and clicking, and nice to know you are indeed listening. Wouldn’t hurt to tell us that you’re on the case occasionally :wink:


FYI if you don’t renew your membership it will just auto-renew, rolling you on to a new contract, which you legally can’t then pull out of until giving notice before the new one is due to expire. I’ve no idea how you cancel as it’s not at all clear when you become a pro member what the current cost, renewal date is etc. anywhere on the website while logged in, so I presume the best way is to contact them at least a month before a yearly membership expires (if it’s less than a month’s notice I don’t think it’s legal under English law but correct me if i’m wrong, I’m just going by my mobile phone contract). Put it in writing that when this contract period terminates, you don’t want to pay for a new one, then they’d have to confirm that they’ve received and will act on your instruction to cancel the direct debit. An email is legally binding under English law, I don’t think a forum post would be sufficient.

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I JUST clicked opened a “New” discussion on comments disappearing, and before I finished reading the first sentence, the comment disappeared right before my eyes!


Speed review does not work with picture based courses even if you are Pro member. I guess it would take too much time to load the pics. Or maybe it’s meant to be realized some time in the future.

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that “stop deleting comments” comment in here disappeared as well (there have in fact something like 3 of them)

i have an idea which leader is the one, but articulating it would be probably considered “revealing private information” and would be deleted immediately.

(i’m curious how long my comment will stay online, probably 1 min and a half)