Are you serious with this new update?

been using memrise for over a year
less than 1,000,000 points


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i don’t understand your question. What’s so amazing??? in 5 years on memrise, what do you think I did? or you are just trolling me?

Hey! Some people are slower than others :wink:

I have taken around 70 courses, and need to review some words here and there all the time. I definitely don’t see how I could start to like a dashboard where I need to click on each of my courses to check every day if I maybe have 5-6 words to review. I guess you can like this dashboard if you only work with very few courses.
So what did Memrise think? (certainly nothing, it’s just a rethorical question). I mean, even you only study Memrise-made courses, you can end up afterwards with 20-30 courses. Imagine checking them one by one every day: who can think it’s more convenient to do this, than to see immediately on the dashboard the courses you have to review (as it was before)?


So it’s quite clear: those who can cope with the “new Memrise” are people who just use it a little, once in a while, or are new.
Is it the kind of learners Memrise wants as its new core of customers? It won’t work then. By definition, people who are new or who use the product just a little, will not pay for it. Hardcore users pay. So basically, Memrise chooses to aim at non-paying users??


Hi @Leggi,

I think you probably hit the nail.

Somehow it starts to feel more and more “remote controlled” to me, even I only started Memrise learning with web portal since last October 2016.

I already missed some “taken away” features like “auto_learn”, “ignore duplicates” for a whole course, etc.

Why would a company REMOVE features, which have been there already (like review words count on the dashboard, showing max streak badget)??

And with one of the more recent review code updates (some weeks ago) they even have killed Cooljingle’s great user script "Memrise Catch-Up Review!!!
THIS script - which was 100% fully working (even with offical Memrise courses 1-7!) - would have helped me to review all completed courses to effectively get my backlog count down (no, I don’t want to use multiple choice or speed reviews)!!!

Q: Does Memrise maybe have a new investment company (or multiple) which now controls what needs to be released, how and when, to have the money rolling and the devs have to follow very hard set deadlines (ever heard about QS and testing departments?)

Q: Has everyone from the “old web portal” frontend/backend developer team left?
Q: Are the developing youngsters - from the mobile teams - pushing (too much) their ideas?

Q: Who has (taken over) control over the feature development?
“Business developers” 3rd party companies?
What does the Memrise CEO / CTO do nowadays?

More insides to the company and UK teams hierachy may be needed trying to understand what is really happening in the background…

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Thought I was the only one really annoyed by the new format :confused: it is very time consuming to go back and forth checking which courses are ready to review. This doesn’t matter if you have one or two courses, the headache is checking the sub-menu when you have 20+ past/ongoing courses. Please bring the old format back :’(


When you present it like this, I don’t know why, but I understand all this mess much better.

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no prob (my “old” profile explained all; I knew some 8-9 languages before joining memrise, trilingual by “birth”/family and studies “abroad” - what ever that “abroad” might be; pity that those “user cards” were deleted by the team)


I know right, i cant even check my group ranking for important schoolwork.

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Call me Salvatore (of Umberto Eco in the Name of the Rose). That means I know many and none :smirk:. Without obvious hitches, 5. As for the rest: some other 2 are somehow avanced level because I use them almost daily in a certain measure, but for the most I’d say sort of intermediate. I am still fighting hard with to reach some upper-beginner intermediate level in Mandarin, after … a long period of trying. Also I forgot some languages I took as optionals when a student, unfortunately. If I am lucky, live long enough, stay healthy :elf: and I continue to afford myself financially to spend time learning, I hope to reach 15 - I hope.


It has been abundantly clear for at least a year, and probably longer, that Memrise hates the web users and was going to continue gradually ruining the web site over time. I don’t understand why anyone is still surprised by this, or expects anything better from them.

Our priorities should be:

  1. Getting a way to export user-created courses off memrise. However much they hold us all in contempt, we can still hope they’ll understand the vast number of hours people poured into making the old community memrise great, should at least be matched by some effort on their part to let us save our own work. But if not, maybe people can develop user scripts to export courses.

  2. Putting together a viable alternative to memrise, something that does what the old community memrise did and is committed to continuing it for the long term. I’d definitely support that with money.


I agree with everyone here: The new interface is total crap. To me, it seems as if none of the people in charge actually use this site, as it gets worse and worse. Please, please, please: Go back to normal! Or let us at least have the choice.

Forgool, can I transfer courses as a whole to anki? If yes, how?


no, not at all, my visual memory is not as good as it used to be in childhood. I have a trained memory and know how to learn The advantages of an old-fashioned type of school as a child. I do not always have the necessary time and conditions, taking into account that the functioning of memory changes with the age.

I had a good learning tool with memrise, until some very young and unexperienced devs started to disrupt constantly my learning… I don’t get it how they can claim one can learn Chinese or anthing else by re-ordering jumbled words…


Does the staff even read these forums?

I’m regretting paying for premium. I won’t be renewing.


Hi @Dikdik_S,
yes you can transfer courses to anki. I kept my own courses in an excel-based format from the beginning because I always feared something like this could happen. It took me some time to get those courses to work exactly as I wished in anki but now I’m glad I made the effort. You can place more information on the flashcard than in memrise - way more flexible in that respect. Up to now I already dabbled with audio and image-based courses as well (made a birdsong course with pictures here which I now took down because of the recent events). I have no experience with languages outside the latin alphabet though. And anki even provides an add-on that helps import courses from memrise. Not quite easy to use either I guess but should work.


I agree with everyone here. I have been using memrise for over four years now and have loved every bit of it. Now it’s impossible for me to study chinese with this new update. Reorder characters… are you kidding me? And if I input words with ㄅㄆㄇㄈ it automatically determines if the characters are correct before I press enter. This causes the characters to REAPPEAR on the next word so I have to keep deleting every time I get to a new word.

It is awful. Keep the web version how it used to be! It’s not an app!!!

UPDATE 5/25/18
I come back and check on the functionality of memrise with respect to the above every couple of months or so. IT WORKS! Thank you. Thank you. BPMF now does not reappear as stated above. Everything is smooth in terms of typing with zhuyin.

Much appreciated!


Hi there, Foorgol
Unfortunately I did not bother to use excel. I might start today… I’ll check out anki anyway. Thanks a lot!

I recommend searching Memrise for a course on Reading Comprehension because no one has been complaining about aesthetic changes. The changes have been to functionality.


Count me in as a person who really dislikes the new update. When I look at my home page, I want to know what I have to review. This way, I have to go into each one in case there is something to review.
This interface is the reason I removed Memrise from my phone.

Please go back to the older way. There are good reasons that the app version is disliked.