Make 3 million points in 5mn

And I also think you should take care of YOUR LIFE. If you do not like what is being said in the topic DO NOT ENTER TO COMMENT.


Your evidence that someone is cheating is based on the fact that you call him names, and he calls you names back? Or is it that he earns 10% more points than you, which is somehow theoretically impossible? Or is it because he playfully gets pretty scores?

Months ago this thread discussed a user earning 170,000 points per word in a course. Those points remain far outside of any conceivable study method. And it is surprising to many users that Memrise hasnā€™t bothered to address that.

But here you are publicly attacking a user who has 10000 words learned. Heā€™s accumulated 1400 points per learned word. Thereā€™s nothing excessive in that.

Itā€™s not terribly difficult to intentionally hit a certain score.

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No, itā€™s not.

It happens to everyone and the all time.

Must be blind, deaf, dumb, crazy and complicit in thievery to believe it.

Itā€™s not because he scores more points than I, but for the speed at he which gets those points.

Besides, it is clear, the ā€œcuteā€ points that it is even more clear that he is being dishonest.

Repeating part of the previous message

Why are you so hung up on the cheaters. Get a live and move on. Cheaters are here to stay. Who gives a crap.


Read more carefully. Of course it doesnā€™t happen to everyone all the time.

Number-sniping (hitting a certain number intentionally) is an art that requires a bit of intention and planning. Few people bother, because itā€™s generally boring after youā€™ve done it once or twice. But it appears that youā€™ve gone to great lengths to make number sniping a highly entertaining activity for others on your leader boards.

If all you are going to take away from my posts in this thread is that I must be complicit in thievery, you are probably inviting others to pull up a chair, get out some popcorn, and settle in for some entertainment.

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Hereā€™s some ā€œcuteā€ points: at this moment, the last 6 digits of my score are 52-52-52 ooh, I must be cheating?

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Do this and prove to me that they are not thieves.

Itā€™s easy for site owners.

Probably partnered with thieves.

Your comments do not add shit.

what are you doing here?

Why are you swearing at me? The language is inappropriate and offensive.

Why am I here? Because the thread is one that I have followed since posting on it back in August.

You posted this weekā€™s leaderboard. He got 10% more points than you, this week.

And go defend thief FAR AWAY FROM ME.

Iā€™m not defending anyone. All I did was follow the links you posted and respond objectively to what you invited us all to look at.

And now youā€™re accusing me of cheating, too, with zero evidence. All that does is destroy your credibility as a reporter of cheating suspects.

I donā€™t usually try to hit ā€œcuteā€ numbers, but just to show that it is relatively easy to accomplish, here is another :slight_smile::


Do it again and again and again, friend the thieves.

And after, make 150,000 + points in less than 40 minutes as he comes doing 2 times a day, several days, continuously.

And most important of all, GO TO FIND OUT WHAT TO DO and see if Iā€™m around the corner.

what is the ā€œbenefitā€ of what youā€™re posting??? why donā€™t you go take a walk in the woods yourself?


Fuck off already. Iā€™m closing this.