Make 3 million points in 5mn

I thought that his @marciojmendes-HFGW-T message was clear, but maybe you took it “out of context”, just like you said everyone took your literal statement out of context.

I think it might be best for someone to close this topic. It seems to have run its course.


And to all the people who choose to respond to posts about “cheaters” on Memrise like this: forget about them, don’t worry about them, let it go, etc.

  1. Have you ever created a course that was hijacked by one of these “cheaters”?
  2. Have you ever taken a course that was hijacked by one of these “cheaters”?

I didn’t think so …

Put yourself in our shoes (the people who have been affected). What would you do?

Imagine putting in the time and effort to reach the top of an individual course leaderboard (several years mind you), only to have a person come along in one month and be on top of that course leaderboard by several million points (and that is not the only course that this person has done that to).

Making 70,000,000 - 80,000,000 points in a month?

I don’t want to question anyone’s intelligence at Memrise, but really? Do you really need a formula to correct this?

With all of that being said: imagine I am a new user “a paying Pro Member”. I am using all of your tools offered in the Pro Membership, but I can only garner 1,000,000 points in a month, yet a non-paying member can garner 80,000,000 points in one month. Questions that I would ask myself: 1. Why would I pay? 2. How could I possibly learn a new language if I have to achieve that amount of points a month?

If you are just going to get annoyed and not actually protect the leaderboards, then get rid of them. If you are not going to get rid of them, then stop getting annoyed when people complain about obvious cheaters.


What kind of world do we live in where one person has the authority to close a topic because that they feel the need to? Oh, I forgot. @lien said that it’s subjective.


@jaimebrasil ~ I can’t speak for or on behalf of anyone, but personally speaking, I respect your right (and anyone else’s) to voice whatever opinions he/she feels they need to in this type of public forum. But sometimes it might be best to do so via PM’s if what is expressed tends to stray (either positively or negatively) from the original intent of a posted thread. It appears that in this case, that has been exemplified more than once. As users or admins, it might be best to leave the threads as context-pure as possible.

Yes, I’m in the 2nd group and I also understand how frustrating it would be to be in the 1st group.

But what can we do?

there is not even a report button on the site, the only thing I could do was to find here to report the guy, where I found out that there are many more of those cheaters and Memrise is not interested in banning them.

So let us know if there was something we could do.

what is “context pure”? why did the topic “run its course”? what is wrong with allowing people to say what they think about?

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“context-pure” = little or no variation from intended theme (the post originated around how a user could accumulate a huge number of points). It side-tracked to a finger-pointing exercise (my observation). It seemed (to me at least) that it “ran it’s course” because the text was focusing not on the original issue, but something else. Nothing is “wrong”, and that word was never mentioned.


We have news?

hehe, now I am interested in this @extremedream guy too. I am following him, 16 hours ago his week result was around 230,000, at the moment it is 11,992,487. He is a magician no less.
What I am wondering most is why would he (or anyone) do it in the first place.


That’s the whole enigma!
Why would a grown-up person want to cheat? Why would you even care how many points someone has?
Maybe he has some circle of friends among whom he can sell the story of being a magician.
Maybe it’s an error of some kind.
Someone has brought up the main question: the safety issue!

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Those questions make no sense at all. You don’t pay to get points - you pay to have some nice stats for yourself. Points also don’t equal learning progress in any way, you could earn a bazillion points and still not know a language. I don’t understand how you think these things are related.

If you want to learn a language then practise and don’t try to optimise your points or leaderboard position.

Se vocês notarem, verão que os maiores ladrões do momento (HFGW, extreme dream etc) pararam (ou diminuiram) de acessar o site.

Entram, roubam, ninguém faz nada e eles somem.

Qual o prazer que esses bandidos sentem de chegar aqui, criar um perfil com nome genérico, sem foto e apenas para estragar tudo?

If you notice, you will see that the biggest thieves of time (HFGW, extreme dream etc) stopped (or decreased) to access the site.

Enter, steal, nobody does anything and they disappear.

What pleased that these thugs feel to come here, create a profile with generic name, no photo and just screw it up?

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Administrators, delete these accounts and make a lot of people happy.

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Cheating is very bad and they are not really learning anything with that. Some people actually want to learn and when it comes your exams then you have no knowledge because all that you know is cheating


I also think that accounts of those cheaters should be deleted.


Maybe you guys are a little too bloodthirsty? :slight_smile: Removing points/temporary banning a user is one thing, deleting someone’s account is different, and it looks too harsh to me. Even if they are cheating (and they have not been for a while now AFAIK).


The “smart ones” do not make the slightest issue of pretending that they are not stealing shamelessly.

The certainty that nothing will happen with the DIRTY PIGS is so much that this THIEF, that I discovered a short time ago, EVERY DAY, puts the numbers “cute” as you can see in these images of several different days.

It would take a bit of good will from the site owners to make a query at the database to easily locate the THIEVES that get points without the amount of activities / studies compatible. And of course, invest a little time to “plug the holes” of this system that looks like a cheese from so much hole.

Os “espertos” não fazem a menor questão de fingir que não estão roubando descaradamente.

A certeza de que nada vai acontecer COM OS PORCOS IMUNDOS é tanta que esse LADRÃO, que descobri faz pouco tempo, TODO DIA, coloca os números “bonitinhos” conforme vocês podem ver nessas imagens de vários dias diferentes.

Bastaria um pouco de boa vontade dos donos do site para fazer uma consulta (query) no banco de dados para facilmente localizar os LADRÕES que conseguem pontos sem a quantidade de atividades/estudos compatível. E é claro, investir um pouco de tempo para “tampar os buracos” desse sitema que parece um queijo de tanto furo.

Honestly I think you need to move on. As I recall, someone gave you a script to hide the offending users. Why not just use it and forget they even exist?


Unfortunately they do not stop appearing and the owners of the site are little concerned with the security of the data of the users, just want to know the number of the credit card and the rest that explodes.