"los frutas secos" translation in Spanish for Germans

In the course “Spanish for Germans” there is an issue with the word “los frutas seco”.

Memrise says:

los frutas seco = Nüsse (nuts)

The native speaker say “nueces” in the native sections, but I have to enter “los frutos seco” in the solution.

It seeems somebody complained earlier that nuts means walnut and not nut in general, therefor he suggested “los frutos seco”. But this seems to be nonsense, because “los frutas seco” clearly means dried fruits (like raisins).

The dictionairies I used tell me all that “la nuez” means “nut” in general and also “walnut” - but none told me that “nuts” are “dried fruits”/“los frutas seco”

And btw. the context of the lesson is “alergico a los frutas seco” - there are really a small number of people who have problems with dried fruits, but a lot who have problems with nuts - nueces/Nüssen :wink:

It appears that both nuez and fruto seco are used as a translation for nut.

Check Spanish Wikipedia https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fruto_seco#Frutos_secos_de_c.C3.A1scara_dura
It lists a lot of nuts under hard-shelled dried fruit.

According to .spanishdict.com la nuez is a nut or a walnut, fruto seco a nut and frutos secos dried fruit and nuts.
They also give this translation:
It’s very common to have an allergy to nuts. - La alergia a los frutos secos es muy común.


your reply does not realy convince me, but I have to admit that there are indications that the translation “los frutos seco” into “Nüsse” or “nuts” is possible.
Nonetheless, I would like to recommend that the spoken sentences from the natives are in sync with the writen stuff - so if there are no spoken “los frutos secos”, please change the written stuff back to “nueces” - or change the native videos to “los frutos secos”. Thanks!

I suspect that the right forum thread for this issue is: [Course Forum] Spanisch 1-7 by Memrise for German speakers