Learning / planting session order is broken!

Same issue for me. As a workaround till fix you can try using mobile apps they works fine for me. Still mobile learning isn’t the most comfortable.

WTF Memrise. Wake up or I am quitting!
Why don’t you fix the problem and reply to all these people?

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Same thing is happening for me as well.

Not to repeat the same request over and over, but could devs who read this please post ideas/plans/changes to the website’s algorithm? There was a clear discrepancy between words I learned on the app and the website, that being that app words didn’t seem to stick with its more forgiving sessions paired with what I think is certain key follow up reviews changed/eliminated.

Perhaps a mock server could be set up and i’m sure hundreds of users would volunteer to test algorithm ideas/changes vs. sudden implementation onto the website, which previously was a sort of sanctuary from the more entertainment-focused efforts of the app.

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Yep - same problem. Learning new words has now become almost intolerably boring. This needs to be fixed as a matter of urgency.


The same thing has happened to me. As this is an echo chamber we are only getting people who have been affected. Maybe this is an A/B experiment where they change the order for one group, keep it the same for the other group and sees which is more effective to try to improve learning on memrise. Or maybe not as there is no way to tell if they refuse to communicate with us.

I took myself the liberty of modifying a bit the title of the thread, in the hope a member of the team would answer. I just tried lo learn new items, hearing perlombaan 7 times in a row is maddening - learning sessions became a scare

I have the same thing. The worst thing is when there is only one word left to learn. I just have to go through one expression 7 times. That’s not learning!

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Might as well jump in as well. I sure hope this is a bug and they’ll fix it. If it’s a “feature” it stinks.

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One can only hope this is going to be fixed soon, since it renders learning kinda useless I think.

I noticed this yesterday, but didn’t pay much attention to it, but now when I tried learning something and noticed it again I had to look for more information and here it is - a thread full of people with the same problem. I hope this gets resolved soon, cause it essentially makes the setting for items per learning session to be completely irrelevant if you’re only going to be doing 2 items at a time, not to mention it only makes learning boring and less effective.

Same here, hoping for a fix soon. :slight_smile:

I can only hope this is a bug and it will be fixed soon. As it is, it completely kills the functionality of learning new words.

I’m pleased I haven’t paid for PRO, which I was considering, as this completely destroys one of the main benefits of this site.

Thanks! Just a question: are you a super-user or mod? Just wondering how you were able to edit my post. (No issues with it, just wondering about admin rights :grinning: )

Still an issue ? Damn guess it’s review only day for me today.

The same is happening today :frowning:

@BeaTrisy, can you please take a look at this thread?

She just posted Review broken again?

"Hello all,

Thank you so much for your feedback over the last few weeks. This will hopefully be the last update, so let’s get to it:

Pressing Escape/“See answer” during a test should no longer be count the answer as wrong
We’ve tweaked the learning algorithm to introduce words more gradually in sessions.
Thank you again for your patience and Happy Learning!"

Don’t know if that means she’s acknowledging the change or has reverted it back. Will test in an hour.

Yeah, it says they tweaked the learning algorithm :frowning: I think this explains what is happening here :frowning:

I just completed a learning session and didn’t notice anything strange (certainly not the behavior described in this topic), so I think it might be fixed. Hopefully :slight_smile:

I will try again a new planting session and see what happens. Thanks ^^