Learning / planting session order is broken!

When learning new words, the system is now teaching two words and running through all permutations in a row. Then teaching the next two words. (Instead of mixing the exercises together for all words during a planting session.)

So the rough order of a planting session is now:

[Vocab 1] - definition
[Vocab 2] - definition
[Vocab 1] - multiple choice
[Vocab 2] - multiple choice
[Vocab 1] - multiple choice (reverse translation)
[Vocab 2] - multiple choice (reverse translation)
[Vocab 1] - type in
[Vocab 2] - type in
[Vocab 1] - type in (audio prompt)
[Vocab 2] - type in (audio prompt)


Then it moves to [Vocab 3] & [Vocab 4] in the order detailed above


Same problem here, no issues this morning (~10 hours ago) but now it’s all completely predictable and easy. The course I do is 5 words at a time so the 5th one is alone in a ‘set’ and is therefore incredibly easy. Just did a review aswell and I don’t think the same issue was present there.

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same here (I presume that’s changed for everyone). really not conducive to learning - you know you will get A/B/A/B etc, you answer by rote not via (attempted) recall


Same problem, for a moment i thought they’re experimenting with learning methods but after spending a session around it i can assume it’s broken, mind quickly turns into auto mode and it’s hard to remember what you’ve been learning.


Yes. Same here. Memrise, please quickly roll back whatever changes were made to the ordering.


Yup, this is terrible. Really hope they go back to how it was.


Same here. I’m new to community - how long usually it takes to memrise to react on such topics and fix issues?

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The only answer I can give is that depends on what they feel like doing. As a newcomer, you may think I am exaggerating, but you will soon learn how they respond to these reports from their users/customers.

If it’s a deliberate change, and they don’t want to respond to the criticism, they may ignore it completely, or they may pretend that it’s a bug, or they may decide to acknowledge it after several days and say that they aren’t going to change it back.

If it’s a bug, they may not acknowledge it at all, or they may say that they are working on it after ignoring it for days, or ask for more information, or say that they fixed it, whether or not they actually have fixed it. With Memrise, you just never know what they will say or do next. :roll_eyes:


I have the same problem, even tried more than one browser. I’m on the forum for the first time just to check it wasn’t just me. Not sure I’m relieved to know it’s not, though… :confused:

Not sure what to do, I can only hope they fix it soon because I can’t see myself learning new words with this bug. It’s just plain ineffective, not to mention really boring.


LOL. You should write a sociology book with Memrise as the case study.


I came here just to check that it wasn’t just me. This is really annoying and I hope it’s just a bug, not a new feature. I hope they fix it soon, it’s impossible to actually learn stuff like this. :frowning:


I am having the same problem :frowning: hope they will solve it soon.

Yes, I had this problem this morning. I thought maybe it was just the course I was on, but then I tried the one I made myself and had the same issue, so it’s clearly site-wide.

I really hope they make this a priority to fix ASAP, because it really messes with the learning process, which is the whole point of the site.

Same issue. I came here to ask this. Worked fine this morning, but now going in order for some reason. Anyone got a fix yet?

I can confirm it is happening as well. I thought maybe my learning settings had changed, but that is not the case. At least it is usable unlike last year when it was completely broken for about a week.

Same here, but it looks like (at least for me) mobile is unaffected by this issue. Guess I’ll be studying on my phone 'til they solve this!

Yes not working here either, but seems to be working on mobile still.

Same here, desktop is 2 at a time, mobile is as usual.

Ofcourse not. Review is something completely different. One use of word during a session.

Memrise please fix this asap. Learning new words is pointless atm. I’ll never remember new words with how it is right now.